grumble, & all the Countrey besides crying shame, Owen Lloyd had them no remedy but either to read there himself, (which to be sure was too much slavery for so great & June 30th. good a man as he,) or to pay 20l. a year to a Curate for serving it, which was certainly too much and Very hard upon the poor Priest, for then he could not clear above 50l a year, which was but a small Pension to live upon at Bangor, considering the care of severall hundreds of souls that were comitted to his charge, whom he very punctually & affectionately - visited once every year at Midsumer, but in order to have this liveing served for little or nothing, Hugh Wms. the late Member for this County at ye recomendation of John Owen Presaddfed & Lewis Trysclwyn (for Robert Bulkeley Gronant this fellow's brother was marryed to Lewis Trysclwyn's Sister, and always a hearty voter & well-wisher of Hugh Wms.) in order to get this fellow bread after a more idle manner than before, by his Industry, gott Owen Lloyd to write by this Owen Bulkeley to London to Bishop Sherlock then Bishop of Bangor to gett this fellow ordained Deacon & Priest & to be his Curate, John Presaddved & Trysclwyn writeing the same time to Hugh Wms. to wait upon the Bishop with the same request, which was accordingly granted, but I presume without any manner of examination, for if ye Bishop had examined him,’tis impossible he could have been ordained, but ordained he was, & served Owen Lloyd as his Curate as long as he was parson of Llan=ddeusant for 5l. a year, now he is Mr. Morgan's Curate, who is parson of Llanddeusant, & lives himself at LLanfayrynghornwy, so that O. Bulkeley has but 2 Churches, & he hath 16l. a year salary. So much of this fellow with his unintelligible Jargon of a Sermon. the rest of the Day proved dry tho cold, the wind comeing to the West. |
July 1st. The Wind .W. and blowing high and very cold & dry, it rained very hard in the Evening in the South & South West parts of the Countrey, but it was dry here till 7 a clock it made a pretty hard shower or two. this day I sent the Oxen to Llangwillog that I had sold Rowland Hughes. & had all the money paid me, except the usuall detention of 2s. 6d. a pair which he kept in his hands out of the money, a custom which not being very old, I wonder is not broke. The parson sett the Tythe of Caerdegog who[ly sw] to John Wms. a carnarvonshire man that lives in Cromlech for 3 years at the Rate of 33l. for the first year, & 33l. 10s. for each of the other 2 years. This John Wms. came to live at Cromlech from a Farm of 3l. a year in LLeyn, & his Sister liveing with Mr Hugh Wynne in Tros y Weyn in quality of a housekeeper & a bed-fellow, ’tis supposed that the Stock now upon Cromlech under the Management of this John Wms. (tho they go for the most part in Mr. Hugh Wynn's name) is this Lady's, not speaking of severall improvements made at Cromlech since this fellow came there such |