December 30th. The Wind S.W. Air moist & cold tho it made little or no rain to day, my servants still carrying the stones at Coydan. |
31st. The Wind S.W. a Mizling, dirty rain in the Morning cleared up afterwards pretty fair, went about i0 a clock to Glanalaw burying, & from thence to LLysdulas. gave 1s. to the Carpenter that nailed the Coffin, the Parson appeared mighty dejected, the Widdow seemed not to be made concerned in outward appearance. came to LLysdulas by - Night, where I was received with a cold indifference, even from ——— who used to be freer & heartie[r sw] . |
Janr. 1st. ['1737' is also written in the margin, in another pen, or in pencil sw] The Wind S.W. dark & cloudy with some rain in the Morning, the Rest of the day dry & fair, there was a great many Company to day at Dinner (such as they were ) the Men, were Row. Hughes of LLigwy, Robert Jones Parson of LLanallgo, Mr. Tho. Roberts of Tre-feibion-Meyrick that Marryed Jenkin Evans's Daughter, Thomas Bryan, Richd Wms. the Curate of Amlough, Wm. Prytherch of LLysdulas & one Briscoe a Custom-house officer, that married the widdow of Tregaian . the Women were Briscoe's Wife – the Parson of LLanelian's Wife, Robert Williams late of Bodwine's Wife. Mrs. Jane LLoyd of LLwydiarth, Mrs. Peggy Prytherch, Briscoe's Wife's Sister, Bryan's Wife, Mr. Viccers of Holy-head's Wife . spent 1s. 6d in mumming. |
2d. The Wind W. fair & dry, most of the Company went from hence to day .& all went to bed in a regular, early hour. |
3d. The Wind N.W, dark & cloudy with some Rain in the Morning, few company here to day, but the Wifes of Viccers & Bryan . sat up till pretty late. |
4th. The Wind W. raining in the Morning, the Evening fair staid here to day & next day to expect to be used with more welcome & freedom as formerly, but I met with it not. |