January 5th. ❍7 [this is written in the margin opposite this entry sw] The Wind W.S.W. clear & fair, staid here to dine which was not <over> till after 3. set out for home a quarter after 4 & was at home by 6 a clock, gave 5s amongst the Servants, in consideration of my long stay. |
6th. The Wind W.N.W, very calm, dark & cloudy all day & all night this being my generall invitation day, I passed it merry and Cheerfull with 5 or 6 Neighbours, till ii at Night when I went to bed, the rest of the Company being Harvest labourers and Tenants staid till 12. |
7th. The Wind W. very calm, dark & cloudy, with a mizling — rain about 10. which continued more or less most part of the Evening. |
8th. The Wind, cold & raw & very dark cloudy weather all day, my — servants continue to same work still at Coydan when the weather permits them. |
9th. The Wind W. very cold raw weather, & dark withall, yet blowing fresh in the Morning, & continued so all day . |
10th. The Wind W. cold & raw, but very calm, thick cloudy weather yet made little or no rain. the Nights dark cold & uncomfort- -able, with a stinking fog. |
11th. The Wind W. very dark, close, cloudy weather, raw and cold; & unwholsome withall, abundance of labouring people sick of an Epidemical distemper like a cold, in most part of the Countrey, Six of my Servants are now lyeing ill of it, & as I was told there is at Presaddved 17 of the Servants sick of it at once. Paid [J sw]onnett Roberts the wife of Hugh Prys the Shoomaker that lives in Barn hill 1s for a Cibbin of Pease ( they were a mixture of White & gray. Paid likewise to Abraham Jones 6d. for 2 Wild Ducks .I am very backwards in my Tillage by reason of clearing Cae'r LLoriau from the Stones which are not yet quite cleared. Dick my Gardiner fell Sick to night of the same distemper. |