Novr. iith.  The Wind S. W. blowing moderate, cloudy & dark weather for the most part, but dry all this day: My people were the 4 last days plowing the Pinfold at Cefn y Groes.
i2th.  The Wind N. W. blowing Moderate, some Sun Shine and dry all this day– the Curate preached on Psalm 34th. verse i4th.
i3th.  The Wind S. S. W. blowing fresh, cold & raw weather this day & a great hoar frost this morning, but was dry all day: Llanerchymedd Fair to day was pretty full of Cattle & a great many sold: Paid Alexander Green ye Brasier i2s. 8d. in exchange for old Pewter haveing 3 dishes & 12 plates of new Pewter—
i4th.  The Wind S. blowing fresh, cloudy & dark weather with a mizling rain almost all the morning; Paid to day two pounds ten shillings wages to Catherine Brodhead in full for the year i757 and to the first of July – last . pd. likewise 2s. for Sievs, 5d. for a ladle & 7d. for a Milk strainer·

i5th.   4 ❍ [this is written vertically in the margin below 'i5th.' sw]  The Wind W. blowing very moderate,sun Shiny fair and dry all this day: Wm. Prys Wynn parted from hence this day & I gave — him i0s. which he by no means deserved, neither did I owe it him

i6th.  The Wind West blowing very moderate, Sun Shiny, fair and dry all this day also: To Day I enter on my 68th. year –  and I pray & beseech the Almighty & most mercifull God to par - – don and forgive my manifold Sins committed against him, and to give me his Grace to lead the remainder of my life agree – able to his holy will: Amen ·
i7th.  The Wind S. W. blowing moderate, cloudy & dark weather all this day, but dry; Paid Rhys Bentir 2s. i0d. for a side of Small Mutton Pd. is. 7d. for the Chesterpaper, & 3s. in exchangeing a Calf·
i8th  The Wind S. & by W. blowing moderate, cloudy & dark weather all day with frequent showers of rain most part of this day: My servants all this week were fallowing fresh ground for Barley.
i9th.  The Wind S. blowing very moderate and exceeding wet this day haveing rained hard all the last night , but was dry all this day 
20th.  The Wind S. W. blowing moderate, generally cloudy, but dry all this day
2ist.  The Wind E. blowing pretty fresh, some sun Shine, and dry all this day also Received This Day an account in a Letter from Pensance in Cornwall of the Ship in which my Daughter came from Leghorn being wrecked at the Sd. place, and that she was there Sick of a dangerous fever having nothing to support her, & begging to be relived ,which is the name of God I will forthwith [? sw] order to be done ·

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