April ist. The Wind N. E· blowing moderate, but very cold & sharp, all the day was dry, Sun shiny and fair: Paid the Land tax Collector – one and forty shillings for my lands in my own holding in LLan- -fechell, and likewise paid him one and Thirty shillings window tax - paid also to Thomas Owen of Cae Mawr Twenty one shillings for 4 peggets of hay Seed, and 14d. for a pair of Panniers. |
2d. The Wind N.W. blowing fresh & cold, it came to S.W in the Evening blew colder than before & all the day was generally cloudy & dark & made some rain in the night. |
3d. The Wind N.E. blowing very fresh and exceeding cold, cloudy & dark all day, yet continued without raining except a very small shower about i. in the Evening· |
4th. The Wind N. N.W. blowing very moderate. and generally Sun shiny & fair this day from 2/1 hour after this morning when the weather I hope changed for warm, it bl[i sw]w then very storming accompanyed with snow— & when that was over it grew fair and warm; My peopel ha[v sw]ing finished harrowing all the Oats, they begin to day to harro[w sw][there may be another word here sw] hay seed sowed in Coydan Park, for which place I allow 20 peggets, and to let the old Barley ground be unsowed, they sow likewise in the same ground i40 pound weight of Clover Seed–and John Ifan has sown Cowslip Seed in some part of the Park as far as the seed would go. |
5th. The Wind N.W. blowing fresh, cloudy, dark weather and extream cold all day: pd. 1s. for a side of Lamb, 2d. for Eggs, & gave 2s. towards a Raffle. |
6th. The Wind N.E . blowing fresh and very cold, and especially in the Evening it blew excessive cold till night when rain fell that made it much milder: A pretty full congregation to day in LLanfechell Church and 85 Communicants. being a greater number than generally on Easter Eve . |