Easter day: [this is written in the margin opposite this entry sw] April 7th. The Wind E. blowing fresh and very cold, yet generally Sun Shiny all day: The Priest preached in the Evening on Acts: Chapt. 10th. 40 & 41st. verses: about 190 persons comunicated [there is a line over the 'm' sw] here this day. |
8th. The Wind N. E. and blowing moderate, but very cold, yet generally Sun shiny and pleasant all day. |
9th. The Wind N. & by E. calm, warm and pleasant, and generally Sun shiny, but dry all day . |
10th. The Wind N. & by E. very calm and warm weather, but cloudy & dark all day, and raining a small mizling warm rain from 3 in the Evening till night. |
iith. The Wind W. and blowing moderate, yet the Air cold, especially in the Evening, but Sun shiny & fair all day: Planted to day two Passion Trees by the wall within the green walk on the South side of the Wall Garden : To Day I saw the first swallows, but they were of the smallest, brown kind. |
12th. The Wind S. & by W. blowing fresh, cloudy, dark & cold; it begun to rain about i0; and rained without intermission, and for most part of the time very hard till 9 at night, when it grew very calm but was very cloudy & dark · |
13th. The Wind N. W. very calm, Sun shiny fair and warm all day – My people have been these 4 last days plowing for Barley: The Birds of Passage have not left our Countrey yet; I saw some Fieldfares this morning: pd. i4d. for a side of Lamb and the head. |
14th. ●5 [this is written vertically in the margin below '14th.' sw] The Wind W. in the morning, came about noon to N. and settled at E . before night; it blew fresh and cold all day, yet generally it was Sun Shiny and pleasant weather . |
15th. The Wind E. & by N. blowing fresh and cold and made a good deal of rain sometime before day, and afterwards about 6: the rest of the day was dry and pleasant: pd. 4s. 6d. for a pound weight of Bohea Tea. |