6 ❍ [this is written vertically in the margin opposite this entry sw] May 17th. The Wind N. W. blowing fresh and very cold, cloudy & dark— but continued dry all day. Sowed in Cae pen bryn Clynni, & in Cae o dan [there is a line over 'an' sw] y [b sw]eudu in Brynclynni 59 pound weight of CloverSeed, and 12 Peggetts of Countrey hay Seed; Sowed likewise in both – the Sd. fields Cowslip Seeds. |
18th. The Wind N. E. blowing moderate, yet very cold in the shade,but was Sun shiny, fair and dry all day; paid Marged uch Huw— Morus 2s. for a kid & side of Lamb· |
i9th. The Wind unfix'd and variable all day from E.N.E. in ye morning to N. & N.W. and W. & S. W.till it settled at last at S. calm, cloudy & dark weather for the most part, and made some small rain about 5 in the Evening: My people were these 3 last days cutting Gorse & carrying them home, and fenceing the field for the horses· |
20th. The Wind W. blowing very moderate, cloudy dark & cold for ye time of the year, but made no rain this day: The Priest preached on – Nehem: Chap: 10th. & the 29th. verse. Paid Lewis Wms. 44 shilling. which together with 4s. Pd. him before is in full of his last Winter's wages; pd. likewise 1s. that he had given the two new servants Wm. Owen & Wm. Thomas as an earnest in hireing, & 1s. he paid Ann uch Huw Lewis for Ashes. |
2ist. The Wind S. S.W. calm, cloudy & dark weather all day, & made a mizling rain in the morning & till 8 a clock: Pd. 12s. for three pound weight of Bohea Tea . |
22d. The Wind from E. to N. & N.W. very moderate, Sunshiny, fair & dry all day, yet the wind cold in the shade. |
23d. The Wind N. calm, sun shiny, fair and warm generally all ☞ [this pointing symbol is in the margin pointing at this line sw] this day: Executed this day a Lease for the term of her life to Cousin Dryhurst on the farm of Pentre heulyn: paid also to Richard Williams of Ty Newydd i9s. for 4 Gallons of butter |
24th. The Wind N.W. very calm & for the most part of the day cloady and dark, yet very warm & sultry, and continued dry all day: The Market ris surprizingly within this last fortnight· the Barley that was sold 10 or 12 days ago for 14s. was sold ^yesterday at^ |
25th. The Wind S. blowing fresh, Sun shiny, fair & clear and very- hot and sultry all day: Paid 2s. 2d. for two Sides of different – Lambs, and paid 2d. 2/1 for a Garden Scythe whetstone. |