And near! behold, a Love-sick Swain reclin'd; Behold, and lo, the face explains the mind. Despair makes pale his Cheek, desires inflame, And changefull Looks pursue the flying Dame; She trips the Lawn with a Malignant pace And all the Woman ticture'd in her face; Her face, that shews her Virtue kept thro' spite As Love could pleas, but Jilting give delight. Her length of hair flows loose in wanton pride, Her breasts now seem to heave, and now subside. O wond'rous Art! Passion from Posture grows, And all the Soul in blended Colours glows. ------------------------------------------------------ 20th. The Wind E.N.E. very dry hot & Sultry, & pretty calm, a small market to day at LLanfechell, and every thing very cheap. to day I begun to cut Turf. |
21st. The Wind E.N.E. excessive dry, hot & scorching, the wind it self being very hot. my servants all this week at the same work of digging and carrying stones in Cae Glâs, & the lad in the garden all this week a weeding, & cleansing the Same, ☞ [this symbol is in the margin, opposite this line sw] to day I sowed Cucumbers in the Naturall ground. |
22d. The Wind E.S.E. very dry hot & Sultry, but the Wind very much scorching the grass and Corn, haveing made no – rain, & but very little dew these 10 days; the Parson to day preached on Matt. Ch. 5th. verses. 23. 24. a pretty — great congregation at Church in LLanfechell – made a good deal of Thunder in the Evening, and a good deal of rain in other parts of the Countrey, but very little here. To day Mr. John Holland of Berw: [this colon is placed so that the upper dot is where a full stop would be sw] (who had Marryed Mrs. Jane White onely child & heir of Mr. White of Fryers ) dyed; as did also yesterday Mr. Morris Wynne of LLwyn in Denbighshire who had marryed the Heiress of Fra[ncis sw] Edwards of Penhescyn. |