Vary'd delight the lively Passions yield,
Fear, Hope and terrour fluctuate thro' the field;
Here, the Compacted Phalanx braves the flood,
While glittering Spears project a Waveing Wood.
The Rush of Victors now the Fight Confounds,
The Battle thunders with Ideal Sounds.
Here a Stern Hero meditates the foe
From the rais'd arm we wait the comeing blow.
The writhing wretch rolls his beseeching Eyes,
Shrinks from the Jav'lin, Almost Groans, and dyes.
There snorting steeds o'er prostate Riders bound,
Swords, Helmets, limbs, Tiâra's strow the ground.
Now change the horrours of the dreadfull Scene;
Lo! smiling meads appear in vivid green.
Irregularly fair th' Elastic Trees
Bend to the Eye, and fan the Streaming breeze;
There your blue Æther emulates the sky,
Clouds behind Clouds the Seeming plain bely.
An aged Oak here, venerably bare,
Tugs the strain'd Root, and pond'rous stoops in air.
Lo! there a lonely Goat in shaggy port,
Tops the shrub'd Rock. —–beneath the lambkins sport!
Amidst his horn'd Seraglio stands rever'd.
In sullen state the Monarch of the Herd:
Curl'd is his Front, his dewlaps shake an awe,
His glare of Eye o'er the wide plain gives Law.
I ask'd my Cheating Sight, can life do more?
I look for motion, and expect his roar—
Adown a ruin'd Ivy-circled wall,
See! a Spring feigns to gurgle in its fall:
And near ---