January 26th. The Wind W. S. W· blowing moderate yet cold, raw & chilly weather & generally cloudy & dark, and dry all this day. |
27th. The Wind W. & by S. calm, sun shiny, fair & pleasant all ye morning the Evening cloudy & overcast but continued dry all this day also |
28th. The Wind S.W. blowing moderate, very dark, close cloudy weather all day, cold and chilly but made no rain. |
29th. The Wind S.W. and blowing moderate, very dark, cloudy weather all this day likewise and continued all day without raining. |
30th. The Wind S. S. W. blowing moderate, dark cloudy weather almost all day, but made no rain; Paid Rhŷs Bentir is. [1/- sw] for a quarter of Mutton bought of him this day fortnight, & 2s. for a Side of Mutton bought of him to day; Pd. likewise to John Thomas of Geifron 6s. i0d.2/1 for Rye straw. |
3ist. 0 ● [this is written vertically in the margin below '3ist.' sw] The Wind S. blowing moderate, clear, fair & pleasant, and for the most part Sun shiny from 8 in the morning till in the – Evening, the rest of the day was cloudy & overcast; it rained very hard in the morning from 6 till 8 . Pd. 7d. for fish . |
February ist. The Wind E. blowing moderate & not very cold, cloudy & dark weather almost all this day & made little if any rain. |
2d. The Wind S. blowing moderate, dark & cloudy weather with some showers about noon: Paid Robert ifan 6L. 8s. being his year's wages in full: & pd. him what he laid out for straw to the Cow house i7s. 9d. for ropes to bind the thatch i2s. 6d. for Sieves 2s. 8d. for two- Pack Saddles 2s. 6d. & i0s. 6d. sallary he paid Owen Roberts, in all 2L. 5s. iid. |
3d. The Wind S.S·W. blowing fresh, cloudy, dark and exceeding cold and raw weather all day, especially in the Evening, but made no rain. |
4th. The Wind S.S.W. blowing very fresh & exceeding cold all day; made a little Sun shine about ii, & some rain in the Evening and night: Paid Owen Hughes's bill for Smith's work being iL. 2s. in full to this day. |
5th. The Wind S.W. blowing fresh & cold, but Sun shiny & clear till noon, the Evening was cloudy & overcast, but made no rain . |
6th. The Wind S. blowing high & stormy, cloudy & dark with a mizling rain: This Day being appointed by Authority to be kept a generall fast to humble ourselves before God & repent of our Sins (from the extraordinary late visitation of God upon Lisbon in Portugal which was almost destroyed by Earthquakes ) the same was here observed, & the Priest preached on Luke Chap: i3th. verses 2d. & 3d. Paid Rhŷs is. [1/- sw] for a quarter of M[? sw] & Marged ’chuw Morus is. [1/- sw] for a quarter of Veal . |