February 7th. The Wind S. blowing high & stormy all day especially in the Evening and night, about i2 at night it made very great rain which allayed the Wind & it became very calm. |
8th. The Wind W. in the morning, calm, sun shiny fair & pleasant; the wind came to S. in the Evening, blew fresh & grew cloudy & overcast was very cold but.made no rain. |
9th. The Wind S. blowing very high & stormy all the morning; about i in the Evening it begun to rain hard which it did for an hour & half,wch allayed a little of the wind, but it blew fresh all the rest of the day. |
i0th. The Wind W. & by S. blowing moderate with some sun shine, but very cold and raw, the Earth exceeding wet & unpleasant to be out of doors, but made no rain this day, but a great hoar this morning. |
iith. The Wind S.W. blowing fresh & very cold raw weather, but dry & some Sun shine: pd. Harry the driver i0s. 6d. of this winter's wages. |
i2th. The Wind S. blowing high & stormy all day & especially in the Evening and raining at the same time more or less all day. |
i3th. The Wind came some time last night to N. & N. N. W.and blew a terrible storm about 3 in the morning till 5 when it was a little abated,yet it blew high all day: Pd. Rhŷs Bentir is. [1/- sw] for a small quarter of Mutton & Pd. Owen Edward 9d. for a quarter of poor Veal: gave is.[1/- sw]towards- getting a Coffin to bury a poor woman of this parish. |
i4th. The Wind S. blowing high, cloudy & dark with a mizling dirty rain for the most part of; my people this week since they finished the Pinfold at Coydan were plowing at Bodelwyn. |
i5th. The Wind S. S. W. blowing high and stormy all day, especially in the Evening and night with some driveing rain; but it rained exceeding hard about 8 at night for near an hour: The Priest preached on i.Epist: of John Chap: 3d. verse 2ist. |
i6th. 2 ❍ [this is written vertically in the margin below 'i6th.' sw] The Wind W. & by N. blowing high and exceeding cold with some - intervals of Sun shine, and dry all day, but made some rain or sleet in the night: paid Rolant ’ Bwiliam Rolant alias y Maharen bâch 6d. for 2 Lobsters . |
i7th. The Wind W. S. W. blowing fresh, cloudy & dark & very cold all day, yet it made little or no rain. |
i8th. The Wind N. N. E. in the morning & blowing moderate, about noon it settled at E. & blew high and exceeding cold all day. |