Ye Rurall Powers who hear my Strains Why thus should Peggy grieve me? Make her partner in my Pains Then let her # Smiles relieve me: But if my Love can't turn disdain, My Passion'sno more tender I'll leave the Bush; x Aboon Traquair! To lonely ¶ Weels I'll wander. Scotch Dialect #Smeels x Adieu ¶ Wilderness [these written in to the right of the third verse on page 27 sw] _____________________________________________ |
13th. The Wind E.N.E. very hot and Sultry all day, Bad news from – Llanerchymedd fair to day, not so much as one Bullock – bought there to day being Corpus Christi fair – |
14th. The Wind .S. Dull cloudy weather all the morning & very sultry it began to rain about 3 in the Evening, and rained without inter–mission till 2 or 3 next morning LATIN VERSE TO FOLLOW |
15th. The Wind .S. cloudy misling weather in ye morning with some rain the wind pretty high & colder in the Evening. gave 6d to a poor sick man that was travelling from Dublin to Devonshire. |
16th. The Wind S.W. Dull cloudy weather most part of the day, & very sultry. the parson preached to Day on Mat. 11. Ch. 28th. verse made some thunder towards night – |
17th. The Wind S.W. cloudy, with cool breezes, spent 6d. for ale. |
18th. The Wind W.S.W. clear & pretty hot weather, took a ride to day to Croes -fechan, & Rhwng y ddau fynydd & cafnan, an extraordinary crop of corn in most places, God send a good harvest. —— |