12th. of June The Wind varying about all this day, very hot & Sultry in the Morning Sultry & very cloudy in the Evening, as forebodeing thunder, I received to Day a Scotch Song, which for the beauty and humour of it deserves to be here inserted. The Tune: Peggy grieves me. as followeth– Hear me ye Nymphs and every Swain, I'll tell how Peggy grieves me; Thus I languish and complain Alass! she ne'r believes me My Vowes & Sighs like silent Air Unheeded never move her at the + bonny Bush about Traquair ’Twas there I first did x lover her Scotch Dialect +boony Scotch dialect x loove [this written to the right of the first verse on page 26 sw] That Day she smiled, and made me glad, No maid seem'd ever kinder: I thought my self the * luckiest Lad. So sweetly there to find her; I strove to Sooth my Amorous flame With words that I thought tender If more there past, I'm not to blame I meant not to offend her. Scotch Dialect *lwckiest. [this written to the right of the second verse on page 26 sw] But now she scornfull flies the Plain, (The Fields we then frequented,) And when we meet, she shews disdain And looks as ne're acquainted But the Bonny Bush bloome'd fair in May its Sweets I'll e're remember But Now her Frowns makes it decay It fades as in December. |