October ist. The Wind W. very calm, cloudy & dark, and generally makeing a small mizling rain almost all Day: To Day an account - came that Sr. Watkin Williams Wynn of Wynn Stay in the County of Denbigh Baronet had been thrown off his horse as he was hunting ^on Tuesday the 26th. of the last month^ & had broke his ^skull^neck & dyed; he had lately marryed Miss Fanny Shackerly by whom he had one Son: This sudden Accident will probably cause much alterations in that County, As this Gentleman had at a prodigious expence maintained his Interest in that County for above 30 years against Chirk Castle Family backed with all the power & influence of the Court aided with the resources of ye Treasury by which he plunged an Estate of i5000 pounds a year )to 120000 pounds in debt. |
2d. The Wind S. very calm, dark cloudy weather and made a good deal of mizling rain in the Evening; the Night was dry, but dark & cloudy. |
3d. The Wind W. blowing moderate, Sun Shiny fair & pleasant all the morning: about noon it blew fresh & cold & the Airthickened & begun to rain about i, which it continued till very near night. |
4th. The Wind S. blowing fresh all day, especially in the Evening; made but very little rain this day, tho it was generally dark and cloudy· |
5th. The Wind S. blowing fresh with a mizling rain all the morning, till 10. some dry weather afterwards for about an hour[, sw] & a mizling rain most [an End sw] the rest of the Evening: To Day I begin to muck Cae'r Iarlles isaf & Cae'r Delyn; the other Cae'r Iarlles having muck enough in it as was these 2 last years a pinfold for my Cows. |
6th. The Wind S. blowing moderate, & warm for the time of year, generally Sun shiny & fair till about 4 in the Evening it made some rain: Pd. R[hy sw]s Bentir 1s. 9d. for a hind quarter of Veal & a forequarter of Mutton . |