June i4th. The Wind S. W. blowing moderate, Sun shiny fair & dry all this day: pd. Hugh Lodwig iL. 3s. being the remainder of his winter's – wages, haveing paid him i7s. the 3d. of last April: Pd. also to Mary Hughes 20s. in full of her last winter's wages · |
i5th. The Wind S. S. W. blowing high, cloudy and dark weather all this day and was generally dry, but cold for the time of the year; pd. Rhŷs – Bentir 3s. for the Carcase of a Lamb· |
i6th. The Wind S. W. blowing moderate and warm & generally Sun Shiny this day: My people all this week were plowing the Pinfold at Coydan— |
i7th. The Wind S. S. W. blowing moderate, cloudy weather and Sun Shine alternately this day and the Air pretty warm; |
i8th. The Wind S. S.W. calm, and dark rusty weather in the morning; the Evening was Sun shiny clear and hot the first time this year. |
i9th. The Wind S. calm, sun shiny, clear and fair and very hot all this day. |
20th. The Wind S. S.E. blowing fresh & excessive hot as from anOven and generally Sun Shiny this day ; Paid Owen Hughes the Smith iL. i6s. of his bill. Pd. Robert Allen 5s. 6d. for Glazier's work & pd. Mr Lewis Evans 4s. 9d. for postage of Letters.Set out this day about i0 to— LLanerchymedd to Join my Brother Lewis in hearing offences against the law of Excise which we finished by 6 in the Evening and was at home ( blessed be God ) by eight. |
2ist. The Wind S. and little of it, cloudy & dark most part of the day , & the Evening blowing pretty cold . |
22d. The Wind W. & by N. calm & mostly dark & cloudy & very warm & sultry all this day; Pd. Rhŷs Bentir 4s. for Butcher's meat · |
23d. The Wind N. N. W. calm in the morning cloudy & dark with some very little rain; a little breeze in the Evening hot & Sultry : My people all this— week divided their work betwixt weeding the Corn, Shelling of Oats for Grots & Oat meal, & opening wet ditches· |
24th. ● 5 [this is written vertically in the margin below '24th.' sw] The Wind W. & by S. & little of it, Sun shiny clear & warm in the morning, and grew dark & overcast in the Evening, yet made no rain . |
25th. The Wind S. W. blowing pretty fresh with some mizling rain in the morning, dark & overcast; all the Evening was a moist dirty fog & very thick. |