June 5th. The Wind variable from W· &by S. in the morning to E. in the Evening, blowing Moderate, cloudy & dark and raining generally most part of this day: gave Richd. Wms. of Ty Newydd is. [1/- sw] who is at school at Bangor. |
6th. The Wind varying and unfix'd all this day also: blowing moderate, and generally cloudy and dark . |
7th. The Wind W. blowing moderate, and for the most part Sun shiny & fair but in no manner warm for the time of the year : Pd. Ann Jones of Tai hirion 6d. for Earthen ware· |
8th. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh & rather cold ^than^zz otherwise; Sun shiny & clear all day: Paid Rhŷs Bentir is. 6d. for a – quarter of Veal & is. 3d. for a quarter of Lamb. |
9th. The Wind S. W. blowing very high & stormy most part of the day attended with frequent showers of small rain morning & Evening Pd. Wm. Bevan 5s. for labouring work . |
i0th. ❍6 [this is written vertically in the margin below 'i0th.' sw] The Wind W. S.W. blowing moderate and raining long before day and generally very hard till near ii in the morning — the rest of the day was dry , but cloudy & overcast· |
iith. The Wind W. & by S. in the morning & the weather variable it Settled at N. E. in the Evening when it grew cloudy &dark & threatened much rain & made a little about 4; |
i2th. The Wind W.S·W. blowing moderate, and for the most part Sunshiny & fair, but not warm, till 5 in the Evening when it grew dark and overcast ,& about 9 it begun to rain which continued I believe for the most part of the night. |
i3th. The Wind S. W. blowing pretty fresh, dark cloudy weather & raining exceeding hard early before day & till 8 in the morning, dry from 8 till 2 & then rained again & was cloudy & cold weather the rest of the day: Pd. Joseph Edward a Tinker i0s. 6d. for mending severall vessells & tinning 2 kitchen Kettles & 3 saucepans & soldering severall other small kitchen furniture . |