May 25th. The Wind E. & by N. very calm, sun shiny, hot & sultry all this day likewise and the Earth greatly parched & withered – Pd. is. 6d. for a small quarter of Veal · |
26th. [8 sw] ● [this is written vertically in the margin below '26th.' sw] The Wind N. & by E. blowing very fresh, & cold out of the Sun hot and scorching exceedingly all this day likewise: To day my people sheared the sheep · |
27th. The Wind S. E. blowing pretty fresh, generally cloudy & dark yet made no rain. |
28th. The Wind N.E. & very little of it, dark and very cloudy all day; and – brought down some drops ^of rain^ about 6 in the morning; & some little again about 4 in the Evening: Pd. Richd. Lewis 23s. in full of his Winter's wages & pd. Margaret Jones 20s. in full of her Winter's wages : on the fall of night it made a great deal of small soft rain which it continued I believe allnight |
29th. The Wind N. blowing fresh & exceeding cold & raining generally the best part of the morning, the Evening was dry but very cold. Pd. – i9s. 6d. for Malt. |
30th. The Wind N.E. blowing moderate, Sun shiny & fair, but cold this day likewise, Pd. i2/1 for fish · |
3ist. The Wind varying all this day from S. in the morning & came after- – wards to S. E . & E. it self very cold weather for the Season, cloudy & dark and made some rain from ii to near i in the Evening: Paid Catherine Broadhead 50s. in full of her wages to this day when she leaves-my Service. |
June ist. The Wind N. & by E. blowing moderate, generally cloudy & dark and— making small showers of rain frequently this day , but not cold as it was yesterday . |
2d. The Wind E. in the morning; came to W. & W. & by S. in the Evening dark, cloudy weather generally all this day, and frequent showers of very warm rain. |
3d. Whitsunday [this is written in the margin below '3d.' sw] The Wind N. E. blowing moderate, cloudy & dark weather yet dry all this day: ii4 persons communicated in this Church; The Evening of this day was exceeding cold & raw. |
4th. The Wind W. blowing moderate, dark,cloudy weather most part of this day – & rained very hard in the night; gave is. [1/-sw] betwixt the Curate& dark at theburying of William Prichd. the Weaver · |