July 30th.  The Wind S. E. and but very little of it, All the morning was Sun Shiny and excessive hot: The Evening cloudy and overcast, but made no rain : pd. Wm. Elias's Son 5s. for the use of his horse to two of my Mares.
3ist.  The Wind N. E. blowing very moderate, Sun Shiny, hot & sultry all day: paid 4L. iis. for things bought at Bryan's Fair & brought home this day.
August ist.  The Wind N. and very little of it and generally Sun shiny, but all the day was hot & Sultry: pd. Rhŷs Bentir 3s. 2d.for Butcher's meat.
2d.  The Wind N. and very little of it, Sun shiny almost all day & very hot and Sultry weather: My people to day were carrying lime from Tre ’r Go .
3d.  The Wind S.E. very calm, some shiny but generally cloudy, yet was excessive Sultry all day:
4th.  The Wind N.W. and little of it, extream hot & Sultry all day: Sent by John ifan to Carnarvon 5L. i0s. to pay for wine that I had before & to bring 3 dosen more with him besides other things: it thundered lightened and rained excessive hard betwixt 7 & 8 this Evening: 
5th.  The Wind W. N. W. and little of it, extream hot all this day also I am very sick all these 3 last days and reduced to great weakness. Pd.Wm. Bevan 6s. for labouring work : & pd. Roger Hughes 2s. for worsted & 6d. to John Randle
6th.  The Wind  S.S. W. very unsettled weather this day & frequent showers of rain .
7th.  The Wind  S. blowing moderate, but very unsettled: made- some rain this day : Executed a New Lease to William Prichd. for i8 years ·
8th.  The Wind S. blowing moderate & very unsettled weather all this day likewise: My distemper is very pain full to me to day & yesterday: Paid Rhys Bentir 2s. 2d. for Butcher's meat.
9th.  The Wind S.W. and blowing moderate, cloudy & dark weather yet dry all this day & my people mending the hay stacks.
i0th.  The Wind S.  S.W· blowing pretty fresh & raining allmost all the morning and a great part of the Evening

iith.   1 ● [this is written vertically in the margin below 'iith.' sw] 

The Wind S. and little of it, cloudy and dark, and some rain moring & Evening but in generall was fine harvest weather.

Hawlfraint © Archifau a'r Llyfrgell Gymreig, Prifysgol Bangor LL57 2DG
Copyright © Archives and Welsh Library, Bangor University LL57 2DG