April 8th. The Wind S. in the morning & the Sun shining fair; about noon it came to E. & blew pretty fresh & cold – and was sun shiny & fair the rest of the Evening: The Parson Priest preached a good Sermon on i. Cor: chap: iith. & verse 28th. |
9th. The Wind S. S. W. blowing fresh in the morning & some Sun shine; calm in the Evening, cloudy & dark & made a great deal of rain in the night. |
i0th. The Wind S. and very calm, dark cloudy weather all day; Paid the Collector of the Land tax iL. [7 sw]s. 4d. for the two last quarterly payments of the land tax to last Lady day: & iL. 3s. 3d. for the two last quarterly payments of the Window tax to last Lady day: Paid likewise the Parson's land tax being iL. 14s. 8d. & his ^window^ |
iith. The Wind N.E. blowing moderate, Sun shiny & fair in the morn – ing; the Evening was cloudy & dark & rained exce[e sw]ding hard from 3 in the Evening till near 5: Pd. 7d.2/1 for Ale at LLanfechell. |
i2th. ❍ 1 [this is written vertically in the margin below 'i2th.' sw] The Wind N. E. cloudy & dark weather & calm & raining hard from 5 till 9 in the morning: Paid Mr. Dorset i0s. 6d. for – drawing the Deed of Exchange betwixt me & Mr. Morgan of Henblas . |
i3th. The Wind N. and little of it, Sun shiny, fair and warm all this day; Paid Rhŷs Bentir 2s. 2d. for a side of Lamb. |
i4th. The Wind N. N. E. blowing very moderate, some sunshine but generally cloudy weather, but continued dry; My people all this week were plowing ^for^ & sowing Barley: 86 persons comunicated [there is a wavy line over the 'm' sw] here this day: |
Easter Day: [this is written in the margin opposite this entry sw] i5th. The Wind N. W. & by N. blowing moderate, yet very cold: all the morning was dry and sun [there is a wavy line over this word sw] shiny; the Evening was overcast,dark and cloudy & very cold with some little rain: 2i7 persons Com- - unicated [there is a cup shaped line over the 'm' sw] here to day; The Curate preached on i: Cor: Chap: i5th. & verse i4th. Gave at a Collection made this Evening( for John Rolant the Idiot that is maintained by this parish) 5s. gave Ann, & Jane Wright 5s. a piece & is. to Thomas Jones's Ale. |
i6th. The Wind N. most part of the day and very cold, it came to S.W. about 4 in the Evening, blew fresh and as cold when at N. but made no rain : Paid John Prichard Amras 20s. over and above his rent for labouring work in i757 & i758. |