March 30th. The Wind W. blowing moderate a clear sky & generally Sun shiny & dry all this day: Some time before day [there is a large gap between this word and the next entry sw] |
3ist. The Wind S.S.W. blowing fresh; some sun shine, but for the most part it was cloudy and dark, but made no rain all this day : Paid Marged John Owen 6s. being the remainder of her Sumer's [there is a cup shaped line over the 'm' sw] wages; & pd. Hugh Prys 5s. for 2 pair of Shoes for Ann & Jane Wright. |
April ist. The Wind S. W. blowing moderate; cloudy & dark weather for the most part this day likewise, but continued dry all the day. |
2d. The Wind S. S. W. and little of it, warm & pleasant, Some Sun – shine, but generally cloudy & dark yet made no rain: gave Anne Wright is. [1/- sw] to give the Priest & Clerk at the burying of John Hughes of Cromlech's little boy: paid John Owen ’ Bwilliam Daniel the Stone Cutter is. 6d. for cleaning and polishing the Stone above the Comunion Table & filling the Letters with a White cement. |
3d. The Wind S. W. and blowing moderate; cloudy and dark weather all this day and notwithstanding it made no rain : Paid Hugh – Lodwig iL. i6s. Nineteen shillings of which was the remainder of his last Sumer's [there is a looped line over the 'm' sw] wages, & i7s. in part of his winter's wages: Delivered – Catherine Broadhead 2s. for buying trenchers in the fair at Llanerchymedd tomorrow: & Pd. 2s. 8d. for shoes for Ann Wright. |
4th. The Wind S. blowing moderate; dark cloudy weather & warm all this day and raining a dirty mizling rain from ii to i in the Evening & the rest of the day was dry: LLanerchymedd Fair proved a good one for Cattle where a great many were sold: pd. Owen Thomas the Smith's bill being [8 sw]s. 6d.& gave Jane Wright 6d. |
5th. The Wind W. calm & sun shiny in the morning & the rest of the day till 6 in the Evening was cloudy & dark , but made no rain. |
6th. The Wind N· E. blowing moderate, some Sun shine, but generally cloudy & dark & made some smart showers in the Evening, but were soon over: Pd. 2d. for fish & is. 6d. for a poor side of Lamb · |
7th. The Wind N. E. in the morning , sharp & cold tho the Sun shined fair, came to W. S. W. in the Evening & made some rain: My people all— this week were harrowing Oats and Pease. |