Here Ends the year 1749. a year extraordinary remarkable for unnaturall seasons; both spring , Sumer [there is a line over the 'm' sw] and Autumn being almost continually cold and wet, the Winter wet and – generally warm, yet produceing the greatest and most frequent storms of Wind rain and Thunder & such frequent inundations and land floods as the oldest man can remember: the Spring even this part of the world was earlier by 3 weeks or a month than usual; Vegatives of all sorts appearing earlier by so much than other years: Asparagus shewed them selves above ground in Febr. Yellow Daffodils in full bloom the middle of Febr. [there is a line in pencil or another pen under 'middle of Febr.' sw] Junquils and Narcissus, Anemonies & the Viola tricolor in full bloom in ye midde of March tho it was here excessive wet all that time; but in ye Counties about London All the Winter was excessive dry and warm, so that they had Garden Stuff of severall sorts in great plenty as in Sumer. [there is a line over the 'm' sw] and from Essex we had an Account that a farmer in that County had Bees that swarmed the 16th. of February which he also hived, The Wind Mill of LLanddyfnan which stood on a Post was totally consumed and burnt to the ground last Christmas Eve: 600L. a year of Lord Bulkeley 's Estate in this County was sold at 25 years purchase to different people: People seem to be under– great Apprehensions from the peace concluded with France and Spain, and tho every thing was ceded and given back to France that the English had taken from them dureing the War, yet the French have hitherto restored nothing to the English but their Hostages wch. they were so weak as to send there, Nay the Neutral Islands in ye west Indies have the French seized upon since the peace, Viz. Tobago &c & claim part of Nova Scotia which all our Remonstraces as yet have not been able to make them quit. which must be either owing to our in ability to do our selves Justice, or what is more likely our M — rs & great men are deeply bribed to served their purposes; however the poor Subjects of England are thoroughly humbled & cowed: great Taxes of all kinds, Duties, Excises &c and the Officers of the revenue liveing at full ease, pride & insolence towards the best gentlemen,who are in a maner [there is a line over the 'n' sw] half beggared throught England. |