6 2/1❍ Total Ecclips [this is written in the margin opposite this entry sw] December 2d. The Wind W. & by S. blowing moderate, but cold and raw, but made no rain all day; but from before 7 in the night till past 12 it made severall showers of heavy– rain: The Priest finished to day the Sermon he had — begun this day fortnight very little to the edifying of his hearers or indeed to their understanding. |
3d. The Wind N. & by W. blowing very moderate, yet very cold and raw all day, especially in the morning &till 3 in the Evening it was dark, cloudy & overcast, the rest of the day had some sun shine and a little milder . |
4th. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh, cloudy and dark weather all day with some little cold rain about noon, the Evening was a little milder· |
5th. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh, cold & raw weather all yemorning cloudy & dark, made some rain about noon, and the Evening – was clearer & milder: pd. 6d. for bread . |
6th. The Wind S.W. blowing moderate,Sun shiny, fair & clear till almost night, when it grew cloudy, and brought down a great deal of rain about 5 at night· |
7th. The Wind W. & by S . blowing very moderate, cloudy & dark and very cold generally all day, but made no rain: pd. 1s. iid. for — Butcher's meat & bread . |
8th. The Wind W. blowing very moderate all day, but cloudy & dark, & made no rain; about 7 at night it begun to blow, & blew high & hard all night: my people all this week were fallowing [ye sw] Barley at Brynclynni. |
9th. The Wind S.W. blowing high and cold, and raining very hard about 2 in the morning ; the rest of the day was dry, but made– some rain again in the night. |
10th. The Wind S. blowing high all day & night, with severall heavy showers both in the day & night, & the Sun did not appear at all this day. |
ii[th sw]. The Wind S. blowing moderate, & often sun shiny , but dry all day Paid Mr. Lewis Davies's Widdow 17L. i0s. Interest in full to ye 8th Instant, pd. 6s. 6d. for a Dosen Sugar at Beaumares, and paid 4s. 10d. expences there for the men and Horses that went to fetch home Anna Wright, herSister Grace,and Miss Peggy M[o sw]ss[om sw]. |