❍12 [this is written vertically in the margin opposite this entry sw] March 5th. The Wind N.E. blowing high and exceeding cold weath - er all day, cloudy & dark for the most part,yet it continued dry all this day: My people all this week were plowing for great Oats: And this Day I sowed the first Pease & Beans this season, & planted also Garlick & Eschallots . |
6th. The Wind N.E. blowing high and excessive cold, tho for the—– most part it was Sun Shiny & dry all day: The Priest preached on Deut: Chap: 6th. & verses 6 and 7 . |
7th. The Wind E. blowing moderate, yet very cold, cloudy and dark all day, but made no rain till night when I believe it rained most part of it: gave Ann Wright 5s. to bestow on her old Nurse, & gave 2s. to a poor man's Raffle that had lost his horse. |
8th. The Wind S. blowing moderate and raining a small rain all __ day without intermission: Paid Mr. Price the Apothecary 3is.6d. for Mary Wms. & by her directions for Drugs for the lad she had h[u sw]rt and attending upon him severall times dureing his illness. |
9th. The Wind S. blowing pretty fresh, cloudy & dark & raining very hard from 8 in the morning till almost night: Pd. Thomas Jones the Chanter i2s. for 4 pound weight of Tea . |
i0th. The Wind N. & by E. blowing very fresh & cold, but dry all this day & generally Sun Shiny. |
iith. The Wind N. N.W. calm, Sun Shiny & fair most part of this day & dry all the day: gave Thomas Jones of Kilken [Cilcain sw] Flintshr Corn Marchant is. [1/- sw] upon his paying me i7sL. 5s. for 23 peggets of White Oats at the rate of i5. a pegget; pd. likewise to John Prichd. Samuel Alias Long face 5s. for 2 pair of Pumps for Anna Wright. |
i2th. The Wind S. blowing pretty fresh, cloudy & dark all day, & begun to rain a small rain about 3 in the Evening which it continued till near6 Pd. Marged Jones 6s. of this winter's wages. |
i3th. The Wind S. blowing fresh cloudy, dark cold & raw weather all day,but ☞ [this pointing symbol is in the margin opposite this line sw] made no rain: About i0 a clock this night Mr. Richard Bulkely the Parson of this parish dyed after an illness of onely 5 ho[urs sw] he read both morning & Evening Service as usuall & Cathechised the Children at Evening Prayer: about 5 he came hither upon a little– buisness of the Charity bread, in his way hither he had something of faintiness that attack'd him on the way, the faintiness encreased upon him — more & more dureing a stay of a quarter of an hour when he resolved to go home but could not go to the Style at Cae'r Penrhyn without resting severall times, from yt stile to the stile by his house he had several fits attended with a prodigious cold sweat wch. continued upon him till he dyed: he was a man of as strict moral vertue I believe as most in England, benevolent & charitible towards those he differed in principles, had a good share of ___ Learning, & led an exemplary life , but leaned much towards Popery and was a rigid observer of —— [the remainder of this entry is written in the margin at 90 degrees to the main text, orientated with the main text above it, the diary's binding below it, the pointing symbol to its left and the bottom of the page to its right sw] Superstitious Ceremonies and Severall that were not requi[r sw]ed by the Rubrick: & particularly in conserating the Bread&wine at the Sacrament he used to lift them up & shew them the people & Speak with an Emphasis This is my Body &c |