May i9th. The Wind S.W. blowing fresh all day; cloudy dark & a thick for till i0 in the morning; the rest of the day was Sun shiny clear & dry, but very windy: The Priest did preach on James Chap: ist. verse 22d. |
20th. The Wind E. blowing moderate, Sun shiny fair & warm all day: pd. Catherine Hughes 2s. being the remainder of her Winter'swages |
2ist. The Wind N.E. blowing fresh & scorching & very cold in ye morning Sun shiny & warm in the Sun & very dry all day, & but little dew this morning. |
22d 5 ● [this is written vertically below '22d' sw] The Wind E. & by N. blowing very moderate, Sun Shiny fair and clear in the morning, about i0 it grew dark and overcast , but cleared up afterwards, a very great dew this morning & was generally warm & Sultry most part of the day & rained a little by night / |
23d. The Wind E. & by N· very calm, cloudy & dark & raining a small warm rain all the morning & most part of the Evening: Pd. Wm. Thomas is. [1/- sw] being the remainder of his last winter's wages: & pd. – Martha Wms. 2s. ye remainder of her last Sumer's [there is a looped line over the 'm' sw] wages & 23s. in full of her last winter's wages |
24th. The Wind Variable all this day; early in the morning at E. by 9 at S.W· about noon at E. again, & at 3 in the Evening at S.W. it was generally calm all day, & generally cloudy & dark, but made no rain; Pd. Harry Wms. 3s. 6d. being the remainder of his last Winter's wages: and pd. Sidney Morris 2L. i6s. in full of her year's wages due ye 25th. Instant, tho she parted from my Service this day: pd. is. 7d. for a Side of Veal, and 7s. for 3 young Goats· |
25th. The Wind W. & by N. calm, dark weather in the morning, but from i0 till night was clear, Sun Shiny & very warm: Paid Hugh Owen 20s. being the remainder of his last Winter's wages. |
26th. The Wind W. & by N. calm, cloudy & overcast all the morning, The Evening was Sun shiny, fair and pleasant & made no rain all this day· gave is. [1/- sw] to a raffling of Michael Sion ab ifan . |
27th. The Wind variable all this day from N.E. to N.W. calm, cloudy & dark in ye morning, the Evening sun shiny and hot weather, gave 6d. to the raffle of Robt. Owen of Tyddyn [P sw]aul· [Nesta Evans gives 'Bach' sw] who had inpounded [Nesta Evans gives 'impounded' sw] a Vicious Beast & tied him to a hedge the beast was strangled thereby & he forced to pay for it. |