April 21st. of Llanddygwel & Richard Smyth of Aberfraw, these did appraise all that he had, which did not amount to 30L. - some were sold this day, and we appointed this day Seavenight to sell the rest. Posterity may wonder ( who shall read these remarks ) that a vulgar countrey fellow, possessed of no more than 14 or 15L. per Annum in Lands, and had no other stock than one Horse of 30s value 2 poor Cows, & a yearling - heifer, 2 pigs, & 10 sheep, and a mighty ordinary mean furniture, makeing in all, as I said before, not 30L. I Say Posterity may wonder, & doubt of the truth he[reof sw] that - this man died in a debt of betwixt 4. & 500L. that little - Estate being likewise settled, there was neither Mortgage nor Judgment for any of the money, but what Mr. J. Evans & my self had, but was all Bond and Note debts to a matter of 40 different persons, and had carryed on the fraud with that Cunning & secresy that very few of his Creditors knew of his owing no more that what he owed them. I hope this may serve for a Lesson for people to be cautious & carefull of such Bites . |
22d. The Wind S. dark & cloudy in the Morning, but afterwards clear, and the Wind blowing very high, the Deputy Sherriff and his Bailiff went from hence to day to execute a Fieri facias ['Cause (it) to be done'. Fieri facias is the name of a writ of execution that directs a sheriff to seize and sell the goods and chattels of a Judgment Debtor in order to satisfy the judgment against the debtor, according to http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com sw] on Wm. Jones of Bodwigan at my Suit for 8L. 7s. 7d. the Bailif executed the writt, & drove some Cattle, but before he could bring them out of the ground, Jones's Servants- locked up the Gate, that the Sheriff, bailiff nor Cattle could get thro . so Were forced to go without them, such was the spirit of those civil officers. |
23d. The Wind S. with a mizling rain <all, or> of and on most part of the day, my people these 3 days past sowing Barley at home. in the Garden, cleaning the walks, and borders, & digging and today we sowed some Kidney Beans for the first time. |