March 24th.  The Wind  E. blowing fresh and exceeding cold & dark cloudy weather all day: The Priest preached on 1. Cor: Chap: iith. and 27 & 28th. verses. pd. 8s. for 2 pound weight of Bohea Tea.
25th.  The Wind E. blowing very fresh, or rather high & exceeding – cold all this day, but dry: To Day I begun to sow Barley at Cae ysgubor Goedan.
26th.  The Wind N.E. blowing fresh and very cold all day;attended with some very small showers of sleet in the morning , but not worth the takeing notice of.
27th.  The Wind E. blowing very fresh & exceeding cold all day; Some sun shine in the Evening, but generally cloudy & dark: paid 2s. for half a dosen Bull-rush - pannels to be used under Pack sadles.
28th.  The Wind E. blowing very fresh & extream cold,& generally Sun shiny dry and scorching all day.
29th.  The Wind E. blowing fresh & very cold, some Sun shine but dry all day: bought of Rhys Bentir a Side of Lamb & the head for is. 3d.
30th.  The Wind N.E. blowing fresh & excessive cold & freezing all day sometime before day this morning a very great quantity of Snow – fell, & the ground was covered with it by day, yet it was mostly melt –ed by noon ·
3ist.  The Wind W· & by S. blowing fresh & snowing very hard without intermission from 5 in the morning till near 10, & by the Wind's driveing it, was of a very great depth in Some places: yet a rain that followed upon it about ii melted most part of it before night
April ist.  The Wind S.W. blowing fresh & exceeding cold all day, but was generally dry,yet some of the snow is still l[i sw]ing on the ground.
2d.  The Wind S. W. blowing fresh & drying generally all this day paid Collector of the land & light tax 2 pounds i8shillings & 4d. 
3d.  The Wind S. W. blowing very high & generally dark & cloudy - weather all day, yet it continued dry , haveing made made but very little rain all this day.

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