April 4th. The Wind S.W. blowing high, cloudy&dark, and made a good deal of rain about noon; the Evening was dry, but very windy: Paid iis. wages to Servants· |
5th. The Wind S.W. blowing very high and attended with severall showers of rain in the morning; the Evening was for the most part dry, but very windy: Pd. Marged ’chuw Morus is. 8d.for a lamb. |
6th. The Wind S. blowing fresh, cloudy & dark with a mizling rain in the morning, the Evening was dry & some Sun Shine: My people this week at the same work as the last· |
7th. 8 ❍ [this is written vertically below '7th.' sw] The Wind W. & by S. blowing moderate, Sun shiny fair & dry & very pleasant all day & all night: The Priest finish'd the sermon he begun this day fortnight: Sent by Catty Parr 10s. 6d. for her Aunt Parry who is very poor & infirm at Beaumares - gave 6d. in a Collection for a poor man at Church· |
8th. The Wind S. blowing fresh, cloudy & dark with some rain in the morning, the Evening was dry & pretty warm. |
9th. The Wind E. blowing moderate, Sun shiny & fair, yet dry and scorching, but not in a high degree . |
i0th. The Wind E. blowing fresh, Sun Shiny dry & scorching weather- pd. 10d. for half a pound of Salt Petr. |
iith. The Wind S. blowing moderate, cloudy & dark weather almost all day, yet it continued dry, warm & pleasant. |
12th. The Wind N.W. blowing very moderate, Sun shiny fair and pleasant weather all day & not cold: bought of Rhŷs Bentir a quarter of Veal for i7d. gave 8d. to School boys that begg'd for Eggs. |
i3th. The Wind W. calm, dark & cloudy weather, but warm & pleasant all day, 85 persons communicated to day in LLanfechell Church. |
i4th. Easter Day. [this is written in the margin below 'i4th.' sw] The Wind S. S. W. blowing moderate, dark cloudy weather & much colder than yesterday, especially in the Evening; made some little rain about 9 in the morning, & all the rest of the day was dry, but very dark & overcast: The Priest preached in the Evening on Phil: Chap: 3d. & verse i0th. One Hundred & ninety Seaven persons comunicated [there is a cupped line over the 'm' sw] here this day: And the Priest took an account of 102 marryed Couple that live at this day in this parish of LLanfechell · |