March 20th.  The Wind N. N. E. blowing fresh and very cold all day, yet generally Sun shiny & dry: pd. 2s. for Butcher's meat and is. 6d. for Pease.
2ist.  The Wind S. W. blowing moderate, yet very cold, but dry all day- made a good deal of rain late in the night: My people these last four days were harrowing  Oats.
22d.  The Wind S. W. blowing fresh and cold with some Sun Shine,but most generally dark and cloudy, yet made not rain till about 6 it brought down a shower of Sleet & afterwards another of hail . Paid Thomas at Richard Roberts the Cooper 7s. for Makeing me 3 vessells for measuring Corn, One being 2 Winchester Bushells or the quarter of a Quarter cost me 4s. a vessell of half a bushell, or the 4th. part of the other answering our Cibbin, as the 2 bushell answersour stored this cost me 2s. another small vessell cost me is. which is the 4th. part of this half bushell and answers what we call a Chwart gwîllt. pd. him besides 3s. 4d. for other work : and pd. Si[o sw]n [Nesta Evans gives 'Sion' sw] Prês 6d. for carrying the 2 Winchester bushell from LLysdulas, which was made in Bear Key [i.e. in London sw] of one entire hoop, and by which my Vessells were made ·
23d.  The Wind S.W. blowing fresh all day, & often high & always— very cold, attended in the Evening with some showers of hail & sleet · Pd. for aStays for Anna Wright one Guinea, and i pound 6d. for a sack & petticoat,
24th.  The Wind N. blowing very stormy in the morning about 6 — and very high all day, extream cold and backward in growing pd. Rhys Powel 8s. of his winter’s wages.
25th.  The Wind N. blowing very fresh & extream cold all, some showers of feathered snow fell this morning, & severall showers of hail,yet it was generally Sun shiny except on those showers·
26th.  The Wind N. blowing moderate, Sun shiny, clear & fair all day and not cold: the ground is still very wet, and bare of grass, and very little growing, and the fodder in these parts very scarce.
27th.  The Wind N. E. and blowing moderate, yet very cold, tho Sun – shiny all day; a great hoar frost this morning and frost on ye water: Sowed to day severall sorts of flower Seed, two sorts of Brocoli, the comon [there is a wavy line over the 'm' sw] Cauly flower & the Malta Cauly flower, and Spanish Onion Seed that came directly from Minorca . 
28th.  The Wind E. N. E. blowing moderate, yet very cold; a great hoar frost this morning and a thick frost on the water,& freezed in the shade all day tho it was Sun Shiny & fair: about 60 persons comunicated [there is a symbol like a fish above the 'm' sw] at LLanfechell to day, when usually they used to be about 70.

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