March 20th. The Wind N. N. E. blowing fresh and very cold all day, yet generally Sun shiny & dry: pd. 2s. for Butcher's meat and is. 6d. for Pease. |
2ist. The Wind S. W. blowing moderate, yet very cold, but dry all day- made a good deal of rain late in the night: My people these last four days were harrowing Oats. |
22d. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh and cold with some Sun Shine,but most generally dark and cloudy, yet made not rain till about 6 it brought down a shower of Sleet & afterwards another of hail . Paid Thomas at Richard Roberts the Cooper 7s. for Makeing me 3 vessells for measuring Corn, One being 2 Winchester Bushells or the quarter of a Quarter cost me 4s. a vessell of half a bushell, or the 4th. part of the other answering our Cibbin, as the 2 bushell answersour stored this cost me 2s. another small vessell cost me is. which is the 4th. part of this half bushell and answers what we call a Chwart gwîllt. pd. him besides 3s. 4d. for other work : and pd. Si[o sw]n [Nesta Evans gives 'Sion' sw] Prês 6d. for carrying the 2 Winchester bushell from LLysdulas, which was made in Bear Key [i.e. in London sw] of one entire hoop, and by which my Vessells were made · |
23d. The Wind S.W. blowing fresh all day, & often high & always— very cold, attended in the Evening with some showers of hail & sleet · Pd. for aStays for Anna Wright one Guinea, and i pound 6d. for a sack & petticoat, |
24th. The Wind N. blowing very stormy in the morning about 6 — and very high all day, extream cold and backward in growing pd. Rhys Powel 8s. of his winter’s wages. |
25th. The Wind N. blowing very fresh & extream cold all, some showers of feathered snow fell this morning, & severall showers of hail,yet it was generally Sun shiny except on those showers· |
26th. The Wind N. blowing moderate, Sun shiny, clear & fair all day and not cold: the ground is still very wet, and bare of grass, and very little growing, and the fodder in these parts very scarce. |
27th. The Wind N. E. and blowing moderate, yet very cold, tho Sun – shiny all day; a great hoar frost this morning and frost on ye water: Sowed to day severall sorts of flower Seed, two sorts of Brocoli, the comon [there is a wavy line over the 'm' sw] Cauly flower & the Malta Cauly flower, and Spanish Onion Seed that came directly from Minorca . |
28th. The Wind E. N. E. blowing moderate, yet very cold; a great hoar frost this morning and a thick frost on the water,& freezed in the shade all day tho it was Sun Shiny & fair: about 60 persons comunicated [there is a symbol like a fish above the 'm' sw] at LLanfechell to day, when usually they used to be about 70. |