March 12th. The Wind S. blowing high, at least from noon and all the Evening, and was generally cloudy & dark all the day: pd. at LLanerchmedd Market 8s. for a Measureof Wheat . |
13th. The Wind W. & by S. blowing high & stormy in the morning attended with a driveing rain; about i0 it thundered & lightened and brought down a great shower of hail: the Evening was dry & Sun shiny, but very windy; pd. i8d. for lamb & 12d.2/1 for a side & a head of another lamb: pd. 4d. for 4 dosen Sheep fetters. |
i4th. The Wind W. blowing very high, cloudy & dark all this day- except a little in the Evening, made severall showers of hail about 4 in the morning & a good deal of rain afterwards about 6 so that the ground is very wet & my people could not plow– Pd. Richard Roberts i4s. for half Pegget of Wheat· |
15th. The Wind W. & by S. blowing high and raining all the – morning till near i0; the rest of the day was cold & stormy, yet made but little rain afterwards ,the wind comeing to N.W by– noon: The Priest preached on Lamen: Chap: 3d. verse 40th. Paid my two horse drivers, Hugh & Thomas, 10s. a piece of their wages· |
16th. The Wind N. W. blowing high and very cold all day, but was generally Sun shiny and dry : Went to day to LLanerchymedd to meet my Brother Lewis to Sign Warrants to Surveyours of the high ways in Twrcellyn Hundred,where it cost me 2s. |
17th. The Wind W. blowing fresh and very cold attended with rain all the morning till near 9. the rest of the day was partly dry,but stormy & very cold: Joined Mr. Lewis in the same buisness at LLanfechell to day for the hundred of Talybolion as we did yester day at LLanerchymedd for Twrkellyn, where I pd. 6d. for Ale- pd. also 7s. for weaving 34 yards of linnen cloath. |
i8th. ❍ 9 [this is written vertically below 'i8th.' sw] The Wind W. blowing moderate in the morning, Sun shiny&pleasant but from noon till night it blew high & generally stormy, attended with frequent showers of hail and sleet .ToDay Ibegan to Sow Oats |
19th. The Wind W· blowing high and cold all day. yet made agood deal of Sun Shine . pd. for a Dosen pound of white powder Sugar 7s. 7d.2/1. |