April ist. The Wind N.E. and blowing moderate, yet cold, but Sunshiny fair & very dry & scorching [there is a cross symbol above the 'corc' of 'scorching' sw] all day; |
2d. The Wind E.N. E. blowing very moderate, Sun shiny, fair &serene yet very cold and scorching all day, there being a hoar frost fall - ing every night. |
3d. 9● [this is written vertically in the margin below '3d.' sw] The Wind N.E. and blowing very moderate, yet very cold & scorching haveing freezed last night also, and a thick hoar frost this – morning, but the Air was clear & serene, Sun shiny and fair — paid is. [1/- sw] for a carcase of poor lamb. |
4th. The Wind N. very calm, and not cold, some sunshine in the morning - but all the Evening was a thick fog : My people finished harrowing the Oats & pease, and were, some of them rough harrowing the winter fallows and others carrying the muck hills on Cae'r Iarlles· |
5th. The Wind N. W. calm, Sun shiny, fair and warm all day , notwithstanding I have not seen neither Cuccow nor Swallow this year. |
6th. The Wind S. & by E. very calm, dark,cloudy weather all day,yet not cold– sowed today likewise severall sorts of Flower Seeds· |
7th. The Wind S.W. calm and warm; the morning was cloudy & dark, but the - Evening was Sun shiny and fair: Delivered to Ann Warmingham 9s. 6d. to buy me Tea in Dublin: To Day I saw the first swallows· |