June ist. The Wind N.E. blowing moderate, but very cold and generally cloudy and dark, but continued dry all day. |
2d. The Wind N. N.E. blowing moderate but cold for the time of ye year and a very great hoar frost this morning, and the day was for the most part Sun Shiny and fair: pd. is. [1/- sw] for Ale at Cemaes in discharging Sand Boats, and paid i0s. 6d. for a hundred pound weight of Salt. |
3d. The Wind N. E. blowing very moderate & not cold,Sun shiny and fair all this day: pd. Owen Thomas 9s. being the remainder of his winter's wages. |
4th. The Wind N. E. blowing fresh , Sun shiny, hot & very scorching all day: pd. Griffith Griffiths a LLeyn Man for the use of his — Stalion for my two Mares,(Viz) the old one-eyed Gray Mare & Young Phillis . |
5th. The Wind E.N.E.blowing fresh, sun shiny hot and very scorching all this day also· |
6th. The Wind E. in the morning, hot& Sultry, with driveing clouds about noon it began to Thunder & Lighten which brought — down heavy showers of rain from that time till past 3 in the Evening .& cleared up afterwards before night· |
7th. The Wind S. blowing fresh and raining hard this morning till 8, the rest of the day was dry, but cloudy and dark for the most past; [he probably means 'part' sw] yet it made some rain again about i0 at night. |
8th. The Wind S. calm and very warm, but generally cloudy and dark for the most part, yet made no rain this day: The Priest preached on Eph: Chap: 5th. and verse 30th. |
9th. ● 9 [this is written vertically in the margin below '9th.' sw] The Wind E. very calm, cloudy & dark in the morning, and the Evening Sun shiny, and all the day was hot & sultry; Paid Hugh LLoyd 27s. for 360 measures of Red Wharf Sand, Pd. Shadrach is. [1/- sw] – for killing two pigs, & pd. Richd. Wm. Prichd. 6d. for mending my cloaths. |