May 22d. The Wind N.W. and very moderate, cloudy and dark in the morning, but the Evening Sun shiny, fair dry warm. |
23d. The Wind N. & blowing very moderate, & even calm in the Evening, and generally Sun Shiny, but dry and scorching all this day: pd. 6d. for a poor quarter of Veal, & gave 2s. Charity to Jonett Lyon of Holy head who had been an old Servant of my Mother, but now blind & poor. |
24th. The Wind N.E. blowing fresh and very scorching all this day also, but this day was generally cloudy & dark |
25th. m4 [this is written vertically in the margin below '25th.' sw] The Wind E. in the morning, came to N. about 2 in the Evening, blew fresh and very scorching and was generally Sun shiny, but very dry all this day; The Priest preached on Psalm i43d. and 2d. verse. |
26th The Wind N. in the morning, Sun shiny fair & warm till 3 in the Evening it came to S. W. grew dark and overcast, yet made but little, if any rain: The ground is prodigiously scorched & hardened. |
27th. The Wind W. in the morning, came about noon to S.W. blew fresh, hot & scorching all day, & generally Sun shine |
28th. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh, generally Sun shiny fair & warm except late in the Evening ; Pd. 2s. 4d. for four pound weight of Bay Salt & half pound of Salt Petr to salt 2 hogs. Pd. likewise i6s. to Hugh Owen being the remainder of his winter's wages. |
29th. The Wind W. S. W. blowing moderate, yet cold for the time of the year , and generally Sun Shiny & scorching: Pd. Richard Griffith my Second plowman 38s. in full of his last Winter's wages· |
30th. The Wind S. W. blowing moderate, cloudy & dark, and raining a small rain all this day & for the most part of if not all night: Paid Marged ’chuw Morus i8d. for Butcher's meat· |
3ist. The Wind W & by S. cloudy & dark all day and raining all yemorning the Evening was dry, and dark· |