February 2ist. The Wind E. blowing very moderate, cloudy, dark weather all day with some showers of hail, & very cold & freezing this day also: Paid Marged ’ chuw Morus for a quarter of Veal & the head 14d. & for a Side of – Mutton 2s. 8d. |
22d. The Wind E. blowing moderate, cloudy dark weather and attended with showers ofhail in the morning & with some feathered snow in the Evening that almost covered ye ground & freezing gently all this day also: My people all this week – were plowing. |
23d. The Wind E. blowing, fresh, freezing and very cold all day_ insomuch that all the snow that fell remains still on the ground . |
24th. The Wind E. blowing fresh & very cold, yet it melted all the snow that lay on the ground early in the Evening: Pd. Wm. – Prichd. i0s. & Owen Thomas 9s. of their Winter's wages· |
25th. The Wind E. blowing fresh & very cold all day; yet it doth not freeze: A very full Fair to day at LLanfechell of Woolen & Linnen Cloaths, hats, shooes, Pedlars wares &c .pd. 5d. for a Tin Cheese toaster· |
26th. ❍3 [this is written vertically in the margin below '26th.' sw] The Wind E. blowing fresh & cold, yet does not freeze, and generally Sun Shiny and clear all day: Paid is. [1/- sw] to Rowland – Jones, alias, Mr. Pugh for grinding setting my Rasors· |
27th. The Wind E. blowing fresh and exceeding cold, dark & cloudy all day, yet (what is wonderfull) it did not freeze, tho it was as cold as any day this year. |
28th. The Wind E. blowing moderate, Some Sun Shine & nothing near so cold as the preceding days: No Butchers meat today at LLanfechell. |