Febr. iith. 6● [this is written vertically in the margin opposite this entry sw] The Wind W. N. W. in the morning, & came before noon to N.W. and then to N. and before night it – settled at E. & by N. it blew fresh all day and was very cold, but thawed gently, & made but very little rain or – rather a sleet. |
i2th. The Wind N. blowing fresh & very cold & brought down — some hail sometime before day, yet all the day was Sun – shiny , fair and dry: gave is. [1/- sw] Charity to 2 Derbyshire people that had suffered by fire: |
i3th. The Wind E .N.E. blowing moderate, Sun shiny & fair, but very – cold, and haveing freezed pretty hard last night. |
14th. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh & not cold, some Sunshine– but generally cloudy and dry all this day: No Butcher's – meat at this Market to day neither. |
i5th. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh, cloudy & dark, and ye Evening wet & rainy for the most part: My people plowed some part of this week when the frost allowed them. |
i6th. The Wind S. W. calm cloudy and dark weather all day & often attended with showers of mizling rain: The Priest preached on Mat: Chap: 6th. and i6. i7. and i8th. verses. |
i7th. The Wind N. E. calm, cloudy & dark weather all the morning– but dry and very cold; clearer & some sun Shine in ye Evening. |
i8th. The Wind W. and W.S.W. very calm,sun shiny, fair and very — warm weather all this day: Paid Hugh Roberts Mr. Meyrick's servant i5 pounds, ^being^ one year's Interest for 300L. Interest I was – trick'd into the borrowing of, by Mr. Wright's Letter who solemnly & repeatedly promised to pay them in 6 months, & i8 months are now past without paying any Interest for them . |
i9th. The Wind S.W. very calm, cloudy & dark & the ground pretty hard in the morning after last night's frost, but it begun to rain a small—– mizling rain about i0 which it continued to do all the rest of the day. |