26th. The Wind S.W. dark & cloudy weather all day, yet made no rain, my people in the Mill, Shelling of Oats. & some in the hay – |
27th. The Wind S.W. Dark & Cloudy all ye Morning, there was a sort of Con-fusion in Church on ye account of the Parson's forgetting his Sermon, he went to ye Pulpit, read ye usuall Prayer before Sermons, & when he should have begun, there was nothing in Church but a generall Silence for 3 or 4 Minutes, at last he beckoned to the Sexton, & after Whispering together for some time, the Sexton bec<k>oned to ye Churchwarden to come up the Stairs of the Pulpit to the Parson where they all 3 had a consultation for a good while, then it was resolved (I suppose) that the Church Warden should consult the Parson's Maid, which he did,& they two went out of Church, where they were for some long time before they returned, by virtue of which consultation, together with those others before mentioned, the Church warden & the Parson's Maid brought in an Excellent Sermon, by them, all & every, or some of them composed, which the Parson afterwards read, takeing for his Text Coloss: Ch. 3d. vers. 2d. N.B.The Pulpit is placed pretty high, so that all these people had 5 or 6 steps to ascend in order to consult the Parson. made 2 or 3 showers in the Evening, & at the fall of Night agreat deal more. the Superstitious assembling at LLanelian still continues to ye reproach of Christianity & Human reason— |
28th. The Wind S.W. blowing <high> & frequent Showers of rain in ye Morning, the Evening fair & clear, & ye Wind allayed— |
29th. The Wind S.S.W. in the Morning, came to E. in ye Evening, & there it settled. a very hot clear & sultry day. Pd. Pugh ye Exciseman 1L. 1s. being my Composition Money for Malt [although this might be spelt 'Mallt' sw] and Candles – |