Novr. 12th. The Wind W. very cold dark and cloudy - but continued dry all day. this day was buryed – ☞ [this symbol is in the margin, pointing at this line sw] Thomas Lewis of Tre - feibion - Meyrick (and formerly of Brwynog ) a very great Dealer in Sheep & Hogs, & of late in Oxen & Cows, & had acquired thereby a considerable Fortune, considering the time he had begun, ( being about 20 years ) brought up 7 Children 1 in the University. & purchased 20L. a year Estate & died worth ❚❚❚ 1400 or 1500L. in money & stock in the 51st. year of his age. |
13th. The Wind N.W. cold & dry, & a very clear Sun – shiny day, my Servants still & Cnewchdernog plowing & Dick the Gardiner a digging up Elms &c for planting to day & yesterday |
14th. The Wind E.N.E. very cold, but dry, fair & pleasant the parson preached on Thess.1. Chap. 5th. vers.7. a mean trifling discourse, & pedantik, the Wakes was kept to day, tho next Sunday Should have been the day, a great company in Church upon yt acct. |
15th. The Wind S.E. very cold & blowing high, a great many Cattle &c. at LLanvechell fair, but little sold, pd. 3d for Ale. had to day a Message from John Bulkeley of Bwchanan by Owen Roberts of Cleifiog that Ld Bulkeley claimed a Road thro Brynne Duon to Cae Maen Arthur, I cut him short with an answer that made him threaten a Law suit. |
16th. The Wind S.E. blowing very high & cold, to day my Brother Lewis went from hence, being here since – Saturday night, seemingly heartily & Sincere, set fire to ye small gorse at Brynne Duon, which burnt well, |