November 6th. The Wind S.W. & blowing high & cold, & a dark cloudy day, tho it made little of no Rain, my people still on the same work. to day I Eat the last of my Cucumbers the late rains having quite spoiled the Rest. |
7th.❍1 [this is written vertically in the margin immediately below '7th.' sw] The Wind N. and very cold, blowing high & frequent showers of cold rain and sleet, the Parson has not been at home 2 days (except Sundays these 3 weeks has quite neglected preaching; this being a Sermon Sunday we had none, being far in the night last night when he came home. |
8th. The Wind N. blowing high in the morning & very cold went out to day a Shooting with Cos. Hen. Hughes, and Abraham Jones, walked a vast deal of ground, saw – neither a Partridge, woodco<c>k, nor Hare in 5 miles walking, but in our way home at LLynn LLygeirian I shott 2 Teals out of 4. & Abraham Jones shot a Plover. My Servants Still at Cnewchdernog plowing for Oats. |
9th. The Wind N.W. blowing very high. in the Morning long before day, & raining from 9 last night till i a clock this Evening, dry the rest of the Evening & Night, my Servts. at the Same work at Cnewchdernog, and others mucking for Barley in the big field by Cnewchdernog fawr — |
10th. The Wind NN.W. very cold & dry, blowing fresh, but dark & cloudy. the Market at LLannerchy Mêdd (or Mwd rather) continueing much the Same. Barley being from 9 to iis a pegget. Rye & Pilcorn from 16. to 18s. a pegget. they buy hogs pretty fast, but for small rates. |
11th. The Wind N.W. & by N. very cold Wind accompanyed with hail & Cold rain most of the Morning, ye Evening fair & dry, & continued so all Night. |