April 26th. The Wind variable all day, blowing fresh and very cold and made a shower of hail in the Evening which much allayed – the wind;all the day was cloudy and dark : The Priest preached the rest of the sermon begun this day fortnight. |
27th. The Wind S. S. W. calm, fair and pleasant all the morning; The Evening blowing fresh and cold, but all this day was dry & Sun shiny: pd. 4s. 6d. for a pound of Bohea Tea· |
28th. The Wind W. & by N. blowing fresh, or rather high, very cold __ cloudy & dark all the morning attended with frequent showers of cold rain and hail; the Evening was dry, Sun shiny, but very cold. paid Owen Hughes the Smith's Bill being i2s. 10d. |
29th. The Wind W. blowing fresh from 9 in the morning till 2 in the Evening, the first part of the 3last mornings were calm & fair & so were the last part of those Evenings & the middle part of those days were stormy & cold. |
30th. The Wind S. very calm & warm, cloudy and weather, with frequent showers of small warm rain for most part of the day: To Day– I finished plowing for Barley, but there is a great deal of ground not yet sowed and harrowed. |
May ist. The Wind S. calm, cloudy and dark and a continual dripping small rain from sun rise till near noon, the Evening was dry and some sun shin-about 5 : pd. Wm. Griffith 6s. 6d. for 60[l sw]. weight of flower be bought for me in Chester, 2s. for two groce of Bottle Corks- & 6s. for 12L. weight of ordinary Sugar: pd. the Churchwarden 7s. i0d. Church mize for my lands in this parish in my own hold– –ing at 2d. a pound: pd. Rhŷs Bentir for a small quarter of Veal & the head i3d. |
2d. ●6 [this is written vertically in the margin below '2d.' sw] The Wind N. & by E. very calm, Sun shiny, fair & dry all day. To Day I finished sowing my Barley; haveing sowed zz13 pegets & 6 Cibbins · |
3d. The Wind S. blowing very little, warm & dry, but cloudy, & close weather all day, and the Sun did not all appear in these parts. Pd. my head plowman Lewis 4s. of last Sumer's [there is a curved line over the 'm' sw] wages, 48s. in full of hiszz winter's wages & 2s. he laid our for me. |
4th. The Wind S. calm in the morning with some sun shine; it blew fresh from ii till 5 in the Evening & was cloudy & dark made a good deal of mizling rain from 5 till night, & a great deal in the night: Paid Rowland Owen Ifan that fodered my Cows 32s. being his wages in full & gave him 6d. over & above to pay for the [terry sw], as he was an honest carefull man · |