3ist. The Wind N. E. blowing fresh and very cold, generally cloudy & dark, but made no rain or snow: Pd. Mrs. Jane Hughes the Daughter of Mr. Richard Hughes late Curate of Trefdraeth i6s. 6d. for 5 yards& half of Cloath to make Hugh’ Bwiliam Gabriel Cloaths, and haveing been a long time here sewing I gave her a Guinea, & half Guinea to give her Mother, and old decayed Gentlewoman and here the year i75i must End: Because by an Act of Parliament pass’d in April last for regulateing the comencement of the year, & correcting the Callender — there are among otherthings enacted, that ye old Com – putation of the year by which it begins on March 25 is [the next few lines are run across the entire page, including the margin sw] not to be made use of thoroughout all the British Dominions – after December 31, i75i. but January i, next following is to be reck -oned the first day of the year 1752 ; and every year for the future to begin on January i , instead of March 25, and the severall- days of each Month after January i, i752, are to go on in yeSame order as usuall, till September 2, in the Said year inclusive - but the Naturall day next imediately [there is cup-shaped line over the 'm' sw] following the Said Septemr. 2d. i752, instead of the third is to be call'd the i4th. of September == omitting onely for that time the ii intermediate nominal days of the present Callendar, and the severall natural days that shall follow the said i4th. of September are to be reckoned forward in numeral order as usuall, and so on continually — [the section that runs over the margin ends here sw] Fresh and new distresses attack me on every Side! My honest and- faithfull old Servant William Davies lies here dangerously ill, so that there is no hope of his recovery : May the good God make me patient under these my afflictions ! |