paid in my Lodging to clear the house 4s. 6d. paid for Mr. Lewis Morris April 10th. Surveyor of the Customs of Holyhead to Mr. Wm. Parry to buy him Ink & other Materials for Printing 10s. pd A Porter for carrying the things to the Wherry to go aboard the ship 2d. gave the Boatmen 4d in ale pd the Wherry for bringing me to the Ship 2s. 6d. weighed anchor about 10, made no great way, the wind being contrary & calm. |
11th. ●12 [this is written immediately below '11th.' sw] The Wind N.E. pretty still & cold came within sight of the head by day–& landed in Holy head Bay at 12 in the Forenoon. gave Thomas Hughes the Master 10s. 6d. for my Passage, came to Mr. Viccers the Post Master's house where I had before Lodged, met with a great company of Custom house_Salt – & Excise Officers where we drank all the Evening & till 3 in the Morning it cost me nothing. |
12th. The Wind S. &by E. a fair calm day but cloudy, gave the Ship's crew 1s. gave the maid of the house 1s. set out from the head abt 9 in the Morning and arrived at home upon Mr. Viccers horses at 2 in the Evening gave his man that came along with me 2s |
13th. The Wind W.S.W. blowing pretty hard cloudy & dark all day with some rain in the morning as it made a great deal last night. very wet for the time of the year, pd. 6s. Window tax to Wm. Charles. |
14th. The Wind S.W. raining all the morning very hard, as it did I believe most part of the Night. set out from home to go to the Quarter Sessions about 2 in the Evening, being then fair – came to Bwlch gwyn, where I lit down to have my Man's horse-shooes eased pd 6d for ale came to Beaumares something after 7; they had come from Court, rained again before night – |
15th. The Wind S.S.W. raining all the morning very hard, & till past 6 in the Evening without intermission, kept the Morning Court with Mr. Lewis Llysdulas & Mr. Jones of Pentraeth, dined at Magdalen Gallway, paid 1s. for my Dinner, kept the Evening Court with Mr. Lewis onely, & adjourned to Next Morning, pd 2s for a quart of Wine at David Wms. the Attorney's house who is Son to Wm. David — |