May 17th. The Wind W. &by S. very moderate, warm pleasant weather all day, & not scorching as before; To Day we begin to plow the Pinfold at Coydan. |
18th. The Wind W. & by S. blowing very moderate, warm and pleasant all day with some small rain early in the morning: Pd. for a side of Veal & the head 3s. 2d. & 6d. for Rennet: Gave my Mother 20s. for her necessary occasions. |
19th. The Wind S.W. very calm, cloudy & dark weather with some – little rain about 7 in the morning , and made a heavy shower that lasted half an hour about 9: the wind came about noon to N· W. and blew very cold with some rain from that quarter also · |
20th. The Wind N. & by E. very calm,, & not cold as the Evening yes- –terday, cloudy & dark till near ii, grew cold & chilly till 4 in the Evening, afterwards it was moderately warm. |
2ist. The Wind N. & by E. blowing very moderate, yet very cold, tho – Sun shiny all day; There was as great hoar frost– this morning on the ground as perhaps ever was seen in any winter, and likewise pretty thick Frost on ye Water, the effect of which was that the Mulberry Trees now be– –ginning to open had their leaves quite singed & turned black the shoots of the Vines likewise in the Orchard were quite – destroyed; Potatoes above a span high, bent their heads down to the ground & were black & quite scalded, as were also the Kidney Beans: but what was remarkeable, is that my Orange Tree, now exposed, & nothing to shelter it, did not meet with the least harm; pd. 5s. 3d. for cloath for my Mother to make her Aprons. |
22d. The Wind S· E. & blowing moderate, but cold all day, cloudy & dark, & made severall showers of comfortable rain, especially in the Evening & night. |
23d. The Wind E. & by S. blowing very moderate, but cold all day rained hard in the morning from 5 to 8. & all the day was cloudy & dark. |
24th.9● [this is written vertically in the margin below '24th.' sw] The Wind E. & by N. blowing very moderate, yet cold all the morn –ing, sun shiny shiny & scorching much, the Evening was some thing warmer: My people carryed to day 20 Quarters of Barley to a Ship at Cemaes, sold to Mr. Wm. Vickers for 12s. a Quarter. |