August 6th. The Wind E. & N.E all Day, very fair, clear, & hot Weather some of my Servants opening of Wet Ditches, others in the Smithy. The Market lower to day at LLanerchymedd than last week, & not half [so sw] much buying: New Barley from LLanfaelog sold there to day. |
7th. ∣8● [this is written in the margin, directly below '7th.' sw] The Wind E. cloudy in the Morning, cleared up afterwards, and was very hot & Sultry, and the Wind scorching; to day my Servants begun to carry the Turf & Sods from Cae'r Mynŷdd in Hay Carts, went to Cemaes to see a Boat load of Oak Timber come from Tal y Cafn, part of which was to be sold, the other part was brought there in order to lengthen Mr. Wm. Thomas his Storehouse & repair the same; of those timber that were to be sold, I bought all the Joyces & Spars betwixt me & Mr. LLoyd of Rhosbeirio, the Joyces for 1d. a foot, & the Spars for 3 farthings a foot, I bought likewise ii pieces, like rafter for 10s. & three logs of Oak boards inch thick for 1d.¾ a foot. pd. 1d.½ for ale. |
8th. The Wind E. Fair warm & in ye Evening very Sultry, my Servant - Wm. Davies pd. for the abovesaid Timber two pounds seaven Shillings & Nine pence, was to day at Cemaes [a sw] bathing for a Rheumatick pain I've had above this 12 month in my Right Arm & Shoulder- |
9th. The Wind E. & N.E. Fair, hot & Sultry all day, was at Cemaes a bathing to day, my Servants continue to carry the Turf as before this day Wm. Mathew finished his Stable at the East End of the house and also a Clumsy Bog-house he made in the Garden– |
10th. The Wind S. & S.S.E. cloudy in ye Morning, cleared up about 10. over- -cast again about 3. very hot Sultry weather all day, a full con- -gregation at LLanfechell Church to day. The Parson preached on John Chap. 4th. vers. 23d. very little pertinent to the Text. |
iith. The Wind S. warm & Sultry, but cloudy, dark & hazy weather in the Morning, Some of my Servants went to day to Cnewchdernog to plow the Pinfold the Second time, the rest employed in carrying home & working the rest of the turf. pd Thomas Jones the Shoomaker's Wife is. [1/- sw] 9d for Seaven young Ducks, Set out,(to attend my Comission [there is a shallow cup shape above the 'm' sw] with Lewis Trysclwyn at LLanerchymedd,)about 10 a clock, came to LLoydiarth about 12, where I staid till 3 in the Evening to Settle the Interrogatories with Mr. Lloyd, then came to LLanerchymedd, when Mr. William Evans of Vaenol one of my Comissioners [there is a symbol like a small capital 'L' over the 'm' sw] came to us to Bryan's house, about 7 we went to Owen Roberts's house, where the Com- ission [there is a line over the 'm' sw] was to be Executed, opened the Comission [there is a line over the 'm' sw] & Examined our Wittness[? sw] Next night, pd 6d for Ale at the Comission house _ |