November 2d. The Wind S. blowing fresh, cloudy and dark – generally all day, but dry; A poor Fair to day at LLanerchmedd, the fishermen at Wylfa haveing had but few Herrings all this Season to day they took a vast quantity; for William Broadhead of Tre'r Go alone bought 13000 to cure with low Duty Salt to have a Deben- ture, besides a great number bought for the Countrey's use. |
3d. The Wind W & by N. blowing high & cold, & generally Sun shiny most part of the day, and dry; Abundance of Herrings they took– this day also: pd. the Excise Officer 1s. iid. duty for Candles. This Morning Dyed my Sister Catherine LLoyd of Hirdrefaig who was marryed in the year i7i4 to Lewis Edwards Son of Timothy Edwards of Nanhoran in LLeyn with whom (being then an Infant of 12 years ) she never cohabited, he being at that time &to this day, Mad. Her Estate goes to her right heir, her first Cousin John – LLoyd, Son of her Unkle Robert LLoyd of the County of Limerick in Ireland, who has lived with her in this Countrey these four years, but where her personal Estate will go, is not I believe yet known: it may seem strange that my Mother & I received no account of her Death till next day at night, & then onely by – chance, tho my Sister Catherine Bulkeley always lived with her [there is a gap between this entry and the next sw] |
4th. The Wind S. E. & moderate, warm & generally fair & Sunshiny My Servants begun to day to plow the Stubble ground for Small Oats. pd. 2d.2/1 for fish. |
5th. The Wind S. blowing fresh with a mizling ^rain^ in the morning, and all the day was dark & cloudy: This being my name day, and when I enter- upon the 57 year of my age; may the Almighty and mercifull God give me his Grace to serve him truely & faithfully all the days of my life. give me the Spirit of meekness and patience, the spirit of mercy and forgiveness at I desire my self to be forgiven of my Almighty Father, And may the Gracious God give me health to finish the rest of my– course in the world according to his divine will , and to give me such a portion of the things of the things of this world as may enable me to do all th[? sw] service in my power to my fellow creatures . Amen, Amen. |
6th. 3 m [this is in the margin below '6th.' sw] The Wind S. blowing fresh, cloudy and overcast all day, yet continued dry; A very poor Market to day at LLanfechell tho a dry day & not [? sw]a they have taken but few Herrings at Wylfa these three last days – I have people to day at Bodelwyn opening small areas in rough[' sw]s & bushes to plant Acorns there, 4 or five in a spot of a yard square, & if they all grow, to leave one of the most thriveing & remove the rest out of Each spot. |