make good the proof of what was pretended to be wanting) they were very positive that as it was never denied, so they were as sure that it would establish the will even in that C—— [t sw] Court, but the J——s who were resolved to follow their instructions knew ye Consequence of propounding it over again, refused unanimously to admitt of it. I could instance severall Gentlemen that were ruined by the — Courts of Justice being influenced against them by the same Villain's uncontroulable power, (for he had secured the House of Commons so firm to his Interest by bribery, pensions, places & every favour thy could ask of him either to assist their friends or distress their enemies that there was hardly any footsteps of Justice to be found in ye kindom Aprill 22d Wittness the famous Eustace Budgell Esquire's Case who was denied common Justice in Westminister Hall, and persecuted with such – unheard of Injustice that he was actually ruined, in commiseration of whose sufferings the Great Doctor Tindall made him his heir, when any dispute happens betwixt party and party for matter of property it [is sw] if any of the parties has opposed the Interest of a Member of the house of Commons who is in W—— e 's favour, or votes there as he bids him that person representing his case to such member, who will be sure to represent it to W—— e the matter is carried against him in spight of the strongest right in the World, for if any thing be denied his corrupt fellow-members tho never so unreasonable, it will endanger their forsakeing him & his Interest in that house, & leave him defenceless to the Vengeance of an oppressed & e[reversed 'e'? sw]xasperated people, therefore if he expects they should concurr with him in en-slaveing the Nation nothing must be denied them, and untill there [is sw][Nesta Evans has 'be' sw] in that House a Majority of Members that will think & act contrary to that Monster. Farewell our once glorious constitution — |
23d. The wind still. E. very dry & scorching, Dined this day at ye Red Lyon [with sw] Mr. Bodvell, My Brother Lewis & others, Hugh Quinto [came sw] there also with Mr. John Owen Presaddved & Lewis Trysclwyn, to cokes Mr. Bodvell for his Interest, but Mr. Bodvell will certainly be against him, he ga[presume 'gave' sw] him there some Dry Wi[n sw]es [Nesta Evans has 'Wipes' sw]. as I likewise gave John Owen Presaddved who pretends to be so friendly with Cousin Morgan of Henblas, and |