Aprill 22d alias Quinto to serve the Trysclwyns (who always adhered to him in [his sw] – Elections) and to revenge upon me (who always opposed him) prevailed with that Infamous Villain W——e (who governs & controuls ye whole kingdom, so that no place is hardly free from his wicked influence) to speak to the J∎∎∎∎s ['Judges' sw] D∎∎∎∎∎s (most of whom were creatures of his own makeing & brought in to the places they enjoyed by him, the rest were expectants, and depended upon his favours) to decree against the Will, to the great surprise & astonishment of all ye Court. the reason for my thinking so is this – about Christmas before ye cause came on to be tryed (for it was tryed Febr 16th. 1734/3) Maurice Lewis came to Mr. Meyrick of Bodorgan, who lived then in London, and of his own accord proposed an agreement upon very easy Terms, Mr. Meyrick said that he had no directions to do any thing in the matter, but would send to for me to know my oppinion, & told Maurice Lewis that he would better take 30 or 40 guineas, than to be in a manner sure to get Nothing, he parted for that time, and told Mr. Meyrick he should impatiently expect an answer, he came very often afterwards to Mr. Meyrick to desire him to make it up, and when I had received Mr. Meyrick's letter and acquainted him that I was willing to make it up, and would give him a 100l. & rather than stand out 150l. Mr. Meyrick upon ye receipt of my letter sent to enquire for Maurice Lewis & found he was gone out of Town to Richmond to wait upon Hugh Wms. who was there with Sr R. W——e. and upon his coming to Town, he sounded him as to what he had formerly proposed to him, who found him then very strange and cold in the Matter, but Mr. Meyrick urgeing upon him his own voluntary request formerly made, he said that he was very indifferent for agreeing, but since he had proposed it he would take 600l. Mr. Meyrick was surprised at this extraordinary change and offered him 60. then 80. & so to 100. & 150l. but nothing would do he would not abate a farthing. Now let any one Judge whether my belief in that matter was wrong. [N sw]ay afterwards, I had ye advice and oppinion of the greatest Lawyers in the kingdom, that if I could procure any other of the Legatees in the Said Will to propound the matter over again (I being to pay & make good that person's – Dividend in case the will should be established upon it's being propounded the second time, haveing wittnessess enough to --- |