20 I gave Mr. David Wms. the attorney 20s to appear & [carry on sw] defend the Sd Suit. gave him likewise 10s. to sue Mr. Robt. Hampton for a Debt he refused to pay, pd. 3d for ale. |
21st. Was in Beaumares Church, Mr. Ingram ye Parson of lLandegfan did preach on Cor. 2, Chap.5th. v.10th. was invited by the Sherriff to dinner to his house that he kept at the White Horse, the Company in the Parlour where I dined, were Thomas Martyn Esqr. the P[uisny sw] Judge & a Drunken weak man, & no lawyer. (the Chief Judge who is Sr. William Chapple, a very great Lawyer, sweet tempered Gentleman, & very upright, not being this time on the Circuit, being engaged in looking after his Election) the High Sherriff of the County, Thomas Kyffyn of Mainan Esqr. the King's Attorney, David Lloyd of lLwydiarth Esqr. Wm. Jones of Plâs Gwyn Esqr. Mr. Owen Hughes Chancellor of Bangor– Tho. Kyffyn Junr. of Mainan, John Holland of Fryars Esqr.(who this Sessions gott his Wife Jane White the sole Daughter and heir of Henry White of Fryars Esqr. to Join with him in a Recovery to settle her Estate upon him & his heirs for ever, which cut off Mr. John Wms. Tŷ. Frŷ her first Cousin & next heir from the Estate, occasioned by his Insolent & abusive – behaviour to Mr. Holland) Wm. Wms. of Quirt Esqr. & Maurice Lewis of Cwtt y Dwndwr Esqr. Nicholas Baily of Plâs newydd Esqr. who stands [C?d D? sw] for this County at the next Election & my self & the Chancellor being all that were not Barristers of all the company– the Wind still. E. & very scorching & dry. |
22d. ∣10●∣ [this is written vertically immediately below '22d.' sw] Moon changed 10 in the Morning [this is in the margin adjacent to the entry for 22 April sw] The Wind still .E. and very dry & scorching. This day Mr. Hugh Wms. of— Nantanog (who lives in Chester) alias Hugh Quinto, alias Humpback who was member of the last Parliament(for this County) which was disolved the 18th Instant, came to town to make Interest for the ensuing Election, which I hope he will not succeed in, nor any other of the same corrupt & base mind who sell them selves & their Countrey to the ambition & Villanous designs of [Nesta Evans has 'off' sw] that infamous Minister of State Sr. R∎∎∎∎t W∎∎∎∎∎e ['Robert Walpole' before being blacked out sw], who if not prevented [? sw] [Nesta Evans has 'will' sw] sacrifice our Liberties & properties to his own lust & the weakness & covetous-ness of as weak a P∎∎∎e ['Prince' sw], wittness my cause in ye Delegates, that had [been sw] giv[en sw] for my Daughter in the Court of Bangor, and afterwards in ye Arches Court of Canterbury, and when I had the oppinion of the greatest Lawyers, both Common Lawyers & Civilians in the Kingdom that Mrs. Hampton's [Will sw] was good, yet the Judges in the Court of Delegates to a man decreed again[presume 'against', but end of the word is lost in the binding sw] it, which has distressed my affairs more than 1000l will retrieve. I have very strong reasons(next to a Demonstration) to believe, that Hugh Wm[presume 'Wms.', but the end is lost in the binding] |