the same as great or greater with Richard Hughes of Cefn y Drover, who this Sessions hath a tryall at Comon [there's a sort of tilde above the 'm' in Comon, but I can't get a tilde to sit on an 'm' in the text sw] law, besides a suit in Chancery Aprill 23d. against him, I told Mr. John Owen that if his friendship to Cousin Morgan was real he would not countenance such a scrub as Richard Hughes to plague a Gentleman as he did, who took such an offence at my mentioning the word countenanceing that he asked me to explain my self, for he (he said) did not countenance him, but did all he could with Mr. Rowlands of Caera (whose tenant Richd Hughes then was, for he lived at Castellior) to make up the matter I replied that I was very sure, if he, & Mr. Rowlands, & other Gentle-men did discourage & discountenance such upstarts, that they would soon leave of being troublesome to Gentlemen. I told him likewise that the meaness of some people's spirits was inconceivable and instanced how great he was with Lewis Trysclwyn, whose Father Morris Lewis had indicted his Grandfather Owen Owens of Cremlyn upon a pœnal statute, for being a Popish recusant. and that I was his relation, & my family had always been civill to hi |