5● [this is written vertically in the margin opposite this entry sw] October i3th. The Wind E. calm, sun shiny . fair, dry and warm all this day, and a hoar frost this morning also: Paid Hugh Hughes of LLanflewyn 3L. i8s. for a Cow & a young Calf 2 days old: And paid William Prichard the Weaver 8s. for weaving 34 yards of wool – en cloath & ii yards of Flannen to be given the poor of this parish· |
i4th. The Wind S. S. W. calm, cloudy and dark weather threatening rain all this day, yet it made none. |
i5th. The Wind S. blowing fresh, cloudy &dark all day, & made frequent showers of rain of very short continuance: My people this week were were repairing old wet hedges & carrying home the Gorse. |
i6th. The Wind S.W. [there is a line over '.W.' sw] blowing moderate, cloudy dark weather but dry all day, & made a good deal of rain in the Night, & for all that the ground is excessive dry: The Curate Priest preached on Rom: Chap: i2th. & verse 2d. very little understood by the Congregation by reason of his unhappy confused way of delivery, and – Jumbling one period into another that had no conexion with what went before. |
i7th. The Wind S. calm, sun shiny, very warm & fair all day: To Day I begin to sow Wheat; but the ground is so very dry that I am afraid the Seed will not be thoroughly covered by the harrows, the furrows falling to pieces so that there is little inequalities in the butt to be smoothed by the Harrows. |
i8th. The Wind S. Sun shiny, very calm, hot & Sultry all day,inasmuch as my people that are plowing have drink sent them into the field as at harvest work in reaping &c. Gave 5 Guineas to Jane Weigh Daughter to my Cousin Doul[ec sw] Hughes of LLangoed who is reduced to poverty by the mismanagment of an Idle Husband & haveing 5 small children to provide for: Paid i2s. 8d. for working Gowns &c for Ann Wright and some trimmings for the same: Pd. 2s. for 2pound weight of hops & 4s. forthe postage of 3 Leghorn letters · |
i9th. The Wind E. very calm Sun shiny,fair & very warm all day, but a great hoar frost & some frost on the waterthis morning, My people with the help of my good Neighbours discharged & carryed home from a Vessell at Cemaes 9 Ton of Coal bought at Sandy Croft Mark in Chester River which cost me there 8s. 3d. a Ton being 3L. i4s. 3d. The Port Charges I paid was i5s. 8d. & Paid Hugh Edwards for the freight 40s. 6d. at 4s. 6d. a Ton . had all carryed home before 2 in the Evening . |
20th. The Wind E. blowing fresh & scorching & a great hoar frost this morning, but shiny&fair all day: paid Mr. Hugh Parry iL. 9s. for two he Calfs I bought of him . |