October 2ist. The Wind E. & by N. blowing very fresh & cold with some hoar frost this morning also, yet Sun shiny, fair & pleasant but the ground excessive dry: Paid Rhŷs Ben[tir sw] – 2s. i0d. for Butcher's meat· |
22d. The Wind E. blowing moderate, but cold & raw & generally Sunshiny but dry all day: My people all this week ( except the day we carryed Coal ) were plowing for Winter Corn, where they Sowed in Cae'r Pyllau three measures of Red Wheat, two measures & half of white Wheat & one Cibbin of the large eared wheat a stranger in this Countrey; Paid Thomas Jones the fuller 4s. 5d. for fulling 42 yards of Cloath & ii – yards of flannen for the poor: & paid him i5s. for 5 pound weight of Bohea Tea · |
23d. The Wind W. & W. N.W. blowing moderate,but cold & raw weather, cloudy & dark for the most part, especially in the Evening & night, yet made no rain. |
24th. The Wind E. N. E. blowing very fresh & very cold all day& generally cloudy and dark weather , yet made no rain · |
25th. The Wind E. & by N. blowing pretty fresh, some sun shine, but for the most part cloudy and dark, but made no rain. |
26th. The Wind N.E. blowing very moderate, cloudy close weather, and some small mizling rain of a short continuance: Pd. is.four pence postage for a Leghorn Letter· |
27th 5 ❍ [this is written vertically in the margin below '27th' sw] The Wind W. N. W. blowing moderate but cold & raw, cloudy and dark weather all day with some very little rain about noon, but was soon over & the rest of the day was dry & the night for the most part cloudy & dark· |
28th. The Wind N.W. blowing pretty fresh & cold very raw weather all the day, dry and scorching: gave is. [1/- sw] Charity to Martha Thomas Davydd & paid Rhys Bentir 2s.6d. for a Side of Mutton . |
29th. The Wind S. blowing fresh & cold, cloudy & dark weather, and about noon it begun to rain a small driveing rain, & made – afterwards a smart shower of 3 of 4 minutes about 2 in the Evening |
30th. The Wind W. S. W. blowing pretty fresh & generally cloudy & dark, but made no rain: The Curate Priest preached on Mat: Chap: 22d. & verses 37,38, 39 & 40 . |
3ist. The Wind S. W. blowing moderate but pretty cold cloudy & dark all day but made no rain this day also. |