6● [this is written in the margin opposite this entry sw] October i9th. The Wind N. blowing very moderate — but very cold, yet generally Sun Shiny all day, Paid 2s. for a quarter of Pork, and 2s. for a Side of Mutton– [i sw]d. for Turnips 2/1 for Tobacco & gave 6d. to a poor man that had been ruined by being taken by the Spaniards in the late war, when all that he had in ye world was on board the Vessell that was taken . |
20th. The Wind E. in the Morning, moderately calm, cloudy&dark and very cold; made severall showers of rain in the Evening which brought the Wind to N.W. & was very cold . |
2ist. The Wind E. & by N. very calm sun shiny clear & fair till near noon, the rest of the day was cloudy and overcast & very cold; The Priest finished to day the Sermon he begun the 7th. Inst. but in so confused a manner that I declare I could not make either head or tail of it, tho I attended it very strictly. |
22d. The Wind E. and very moderate, Sun shiny, clear & fair most part of the day, and made some frost last night with a hoar frost this morning. |
23d. The Wind E & by N∙ blowing moderate, but very cold all day; a pretty thick frost this morning on the water and a hoar frost. |
24th. The Wind E· blowing moderate, but very cold, and generally Sun shiny & fair; about 4 this morning it made a heavy Shower of hail and it did afterwards 2 or 3 before night. |
25th. The Wind N. blowing fresh & extream cold, tho generally Sun shiny & fair, brought down a very great shower of Sleet about 6 this morning & all the day was very cold : made a very good Fair to day at LLanfechell & a great many cattle bought: pd. is. 10d. for a Side of Mutton & 3d. for Nuts· |
26th. The Wind N. very calm & not cold, Sun shiny, fair & clear all day & very pleasant weather. |
27th. The Wind E. & blowing very cold, a thick frost to day on the water. & a hoar frost; My people these days are sowing Rye : pd. 1d.[2 sw]/1 for fish. |
28th. The Wind E. and tho blowing very moderate, yet it was excessive cold all day : it was for the most part Sun shiny, And all the day was dry, without showers of any kind · |